Example sentences of "[be] [adv] not [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Geophysicists are perhaps not best known for their romantic souls , and when they invented the dire appellation subduction zone , they probably overlooked the fact that precisely because of all this subterranean frenzy , each one is an area of quite extraordinary beauty .
2 The interests of birds are patently not best served by proximity to military manoeuvres and firing , however much exclusive use of the quiet times is relished by those who study them .
3 Furthermore , the rights of pupils to autonomy and self-responsibility are still not adequately protected under the new form of confessionalism .
4 Calculators , on the other hand , are still not entirely approved of by some parents and teachers , even though our experience would suggest that an ability to use a calculator is a far more relevant skill for everyday life than almost any of the pencil-and-paper arithmetic taught in schools .
5 Social groups are clearly not just bands of competitors and individuals often need each other for survival .
6 They are also not formally regarded to be AIDS .
7 But repetition need not be vocal , although the oral and vocal aspects of study are today not sufficiently used in colleges .
8 Their activities were thus not only believed to be tangible proof of the truths of Christianity , but were also an essential link between men and a somewhat remote but terrifying god .
9 This gave Roman women much greater individual liberty than women in other societies , even though they were still not legally regarded as a person in the way that men were .
10 Limbs were often not properly joined with bodies and the long necks and rigidity of attitudes recall the shapes of the clay idols of the period .
11 In our marginal universe , we pursued offences which were then not even classified as crimes in the Home Office Standard list , and were pitched into a new philosophical world structured by a number of alternative social constructs .
12 They knew that the village police sergeant and constable were there not only to deal with ordinary crime but to report on any political activity in their district .
13 Other issues were that the potential of the day hospital was not being fully exploited and that the mental health centres were evidently not properly integrated with the general hospital unit .
14 Heavily leaded alloys were therefore not generally used for artefacts which required high mechanical strength .
15 It has not often been given to me as a poet , it is perhaps not often given to human beings , to find such ready sympathy , such wit and judgment together .
16 It is also clear from Herbert 's comments that the process of interpreting is generally not well understood by even those who use interpreters , and features like the interpreting lag , or the change in pace of the interpreter according to the speaker 's rate , may often be mistaken for some problem in the interpreter 's rendition of a message .
17 The excess of male over female cases found in this age group is consistent with epidemiological studies but is still not generally appreciated in either hospital or primary care .
18 Gilly finds an excuse for going back to Mr Randolph 's house and she manages to steal the rest of his money , but there is still not enough to pay for her ticket to San Francisco .
19 However , the process of interpreting is still not fully understood for BSL , and it is upon this that effectiveness of training hinges .
20 It is clear despite this that not enough is being done , and the seriousness of the position is still not fully realized by the average person .
21 One , not far away at Langton , is probably not much changed since Tennyson 's day .
22 Now he is in a world where it 's nothing to fly to the Bahamas for a conference — and for a conference that 's probably not even going to be in the Bahamas ; a world where very high-class girls ring up uninvited and try to make you feel at home .
23 ‘ Moore is really not well known in France and that was one of my motivations in mounting this exhibition .
24 Both are considered totally private affairs , the secret of which is often not even shared between man and wife .
25 The difference is often not even mentioned in textbooks , with the result that the learner may be ignorant about it and keeps sounding foreign .
26 A tragedy is often not solely enacted upon one individual but , because our lives do not exist alone in themselves but interact with others , circumstances can affect a whole mesh of other characters .
27 However , desire is often not only linked with our emotions but also distorted by them .
28 But what if there is someone whose own fulfilment is simply not best promoted by this sort of relationship with others ?
29 The driving force of a European structure that would end the fear of war on the continent is sometimes not fully understood in these islands .
30 The inclusion of royal law within a law-code which is otherwise not directly ascribed to a king is more obviously apparent in another Merovingian law-book , associated with the east Frankish kingdom , the Lex Ribvaria , where the verb iubere , " to order " , is occasionally used .
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