Example sentences of "[be] [adv] in [noun sg] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 PRISONERS of Conscience Orton and Vera Chirwa , whose case was highlighted by Amnesty 's 30th Anniversary Campaign , are still in detention after being unfairly tried and jailed in 1983 for expressing their non-violent political beliefs .
2 Others may have shorter journeys but they are still in danger of being classed as ‘ those people from the Centre ’ .
3 Cambridge city centre is already inaccessible to traffic in most places , but pedestrians are still in danger of being ‘ run down ’ by bikes .
4 So agriculture is getting back to normal , but villagers are still in danger of being looted by armed factions in this war .
5 SLF are also in danger of being banged up in the Tower Of London for incurring the wrath of Her Majesty 's Government .
6 The traditional routes to the Fannichs from the Ullapool road are now in danger of being blocked off by extensive crop forestry ploughing and ‘ deer fencing ’ .
7 Unlike other single women , Elaine can not stay out late at night : she has to be home in time to be put to bed by a nurse .
8 Almost all animals are either in danger of being eaten by other animals or in danger of failing to eat other animals , and an enormous number of detailed facts about animals makes sense only when we remember that they are the end-products of long and bitter arms races .
9 Assistance Publique 's responsibility as the community hospital system for the poor of Paris is constantly in danger of being overwhelmed by its newer role as the country 's leading provider of tertiary referral services .
10 Elected government is constantly in danger of being discredited by episodes which expose its relative impotence compared to these , great agglomerations of private and unaccountable economic power .
11 Any method that involves a lone researcher in a situation that can not be repeated , like much participant observation research , is always in danger of being thought unreliable .
12 For a female story teller such as Larissa , the act of narration is therefore a risky proposition , for her story is always in danger of being labelled a ‘ hystery ’ .
13 David , 32 , who is still in hospital after being treated for a kidney infection , telephoned his wife yesterday to tell her he will be in hospital for at least another five days after developing an infection in his thigh .
14 The greenhouse effect is deeply in danger of being Branaghed largely because of the mind-numbing saturation with which it is being covered .
15 The three US service manuals are currently in process of being updated , and it will be interesting to see whether either they , or the new UK tri-service manual which is now in an advanced state of preparation , say anything more specific about possible limits of one kind or another to the use of nuclear weapons .
16 It was early in the day , before kirk time , and Nisbet 's horse was badly in need of being shod .
17 I was just in love with being in love , you know what it 's like , I loved the image of myself being in love in that kind of careless , easy way .
18 Carr started to bleed slightly above his left eye as early as the second round , and he was twice in danger of being disqualified for using his head rather than his fists .
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