Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adv] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They 're always there when you need one , even in the rain or when the theatres are closing .
2 You 're usually here when something happens .
3 He was indeed kind , exceptionally so ; but he never indulged in insincerity for the sake of pleasing , and he could be downright enough when he deemed it necessary .
4 ‘ It 'll be all right when we go down the other side . ’
5 At last , after another million years persuading David she would be all right when she had taken some aspirin , she was alone , in her own flat .
6 Dear God , thought Jessica , seeing the words in her best handwriting , Dear God let it be all right when I get home and I 'll never …
7 I might not always be there exactly when you want me , but I 'll check in from time to time .
8 I did my shopping , had some lunch , and they were still here when we crossed over , going home .
9 well they were they was rolling in all the muck in the farmyard but they , they went to the pies just put their noses round them and turned them over and then they s and true as god made little apples they started walking round these pies and they left them and they were still there when we went away .
10 But the women were still there when she looked again ; twenty or thirty of them , in various states of undress — although none , she was relieved to notice once she could take things in , was actually naked .
11 He fell asleep , but the pains in his head were still there when he awoke in the morning .
12 I mean they were pretty shambly when I got to them and I made a supreme effort to get everything going the way I wanted it to go .
13 With all that said of course the transition period is going to be very dangerous for the kind of reasons we 've been talking about already and I think is right too when he says that er , the so called nationalist in the non Russian Republics , if you 're a Democrat in a empire , then you are inevitably a nationalist as well because you want your nation to have its natural human rights .
14 But he is all right when you get to know him .
15 It is especially so when we try to impose our twentieth-century interpretation upon a word which once conveyed a subtly , or dramatically , different meaning in the past .
16 Oh it 's all right when you do n't foot the bill , is n't it ?
17 But it 's always there when you need it .
18 Where we practise in England — I wo n't reveal where — Pete 's always there when I turn up .
19 It 's like a bad dream , and you see a guy pointing a gun at you , but he 's still there when you open your eyes , and he wo n't go away .
20 This is particularly so when you take into account that most people feel they are in the right when they are angry , whether they are or not .
21 He was a Gemini , and it was all there when you knew what to look for : the cleverness , the ability to dissemble , the airy arrogance , the wry cynicism , the way he was expert at playing a double game …
22 ‘ It was already here when we moved in and to start with I thought it would make the room seem too gloomy , but it 's grown on me and I really like it now , ’ says Mary Jane , who works part-time as a physiotherapist .
23 The Volvo was already there when we arrived .
24 William was already there when he arrived at the restaurant , and halfway through a bottle of wine .
25 Steve was already there when I got back .
26 Bridget was already there when I arrived .
27 I was just there when it started . ’
28 But she was always there when he came back from real or imagined expeditions , not like his father who 'd walked out after a drunken row one night .
29 His find was still there when they stripped him at the mortuary . ’
30 it was still there when I took
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