Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [prep] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am all for planning from the bottom up but I am also convinced of the virtues of the presentation of draft proposals as a means for making discussion possible .
2 Thus I am dangerously near looking for the ready made composition that has been done to death by generations of landscape painters .
3 As yet there is no other body to undertake this task , and even tentative moves to remove the problem from the cell block and into the detoxification centre foundered in the entrepreneurial 1980s ; for there is little immediate profit to be made from reclamation of this kind of scrap material ( although the long-term value of a humanitarian return might be thought to be well worth pursuing in a civilized society ! ) .
4 Suggestions of obligating the unemployed to work for their benefits are quite in keeping for a Government which has done virtually everything else it can to ensure that millions of Britons will work for derisory incomes .
5 It is rather like looking for a single straw in a haystack .
6 As I said , mine 's only on ringing with an external call , is n't it .
7 It is only by preparing for the future that Lothian Highways staff can ensure that there will be a successful future .
8 It is only by concentrating on the differential element that literary studies can maintain its specific object of study .
9 Futures trading is exactly like betting with a bookmaker ( in this case the clearing house ) on the price of the underlying good , with daily clearing of bets .
10 But any engineer can recognize an object that has been designed , even poorly designed , for a purpose , and he can usually work out what that purpose is just by looking at the structure of the object .
11 The truth seems to be that this question itself can not be answered in a way which is neutral between different positions in meta-ethics and ethics and is hardly worth discussing in the abstract .
12 Either that or they 're finding out if someone 's home before going round the back and breaking in .
13 And it 's always worth remembering about the Crimean erm episode that Austria in essence intervenes on the side er er intervenes not so much on the side of Britain and France but against Russia .
14 Remember , thermal soaring is more about staying in the strongest area of lift than flying at an ‘ efficient ’ angle of bank ; it usually pays to turn steeply , as the small turning circle enables you to keep in the narrow cores of strong lift .
15 Wheel clamps are n't on the list yet , but it 's still worth asking for a few quid off your annual premium .
16 She 's still in mourning after the death of her husband , but brave Princess Caroline is determined to make a success of his ailing businesses .
17 This is why it 's hardly worth going into the ins-and-outs of his previous ( albeit ground-breaking and influential ) outfit here .
18 But the disc is probably worth purchasing for the Weill alone , a work which Klemperer commissioned from the composer after attending and enjoying performances of the Dreigroschenoper in Berlin in 1929 .
19 It is also worth thinking about the possibility that rearrangements of the continents and oceans would themselves have considerable climatic effects .
20 It is also worth looking at the smaller , regional building societies .
21 It is also worth looking at the smaller , regional building societies .
22 It is also worth looking at the smaller , regional building societies .
23 It is also worth speculating on the fate of what must have been a nonplussed Christopher Chryselius , Sir John Pennington must have been thoroughly annoyed at the outcome , too .
24 It 's also worth writing to the branches of chain stores in the area for support .
25 Erm , I too endorse the er views expressed by other members , but I think it 's also worth commenting on the work that , and contribution that 's made of voluntary , by by volunteers to the work of the archivist , which is referred to in the report .
26 Her husband Alex is now in hiding after an abortive escape attempt .
27 Hospital nursing is mainly about caring for the sick .
28 It is well worth experimenting with a cheap soft fabric , such as mull .
29 For game fishing in truly wild and unspoilt countryside , it is well worth venturing to the loughs of western Ireland .
30 Still , Stanley and Iris is well worth catching for the sincerity of its performances and the at least partial originality of its subject matter .
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