Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [adj] [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I am so intrigued I forget about Crilly , who is ready for me with an unwrinkled surface of silver , the smack neatly concentrated into a lump .
2 Sometimes my tears are so hot they feel as if they 've been baking inside me , sometimes they feel bigger and wetter , sometimes rather lighter and not so salty .
3 ‘ Some three and four year olds ' teeth are so bad they have to be given a general anaesthetic to have six or more teeth pulled out .
4 As they are only small they appear to be quite light , but seem to hold an edge and time can only tell how quickly they wear out .
5 No , but like she might have a minute while she 's having her din , the they 're really busy you know in there !
6 They 're too expensive you know for the sort of profit we 're going to go into too much of that .
7 Well all this new the regulations are fairly new I think about
8 Which room will be most suitable I leave to him . ’
9 I am serious , darling , I 'm so serious I feel like bursting into tears .
10 The Act actually says that we 're concerned with children who have learning difficulties , which calls for special education provision , and to be more specific they refer to children who have greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of that age , or disabilities which prevent or hinder them making use of the educational facilities generally provided .
11 Erm and er so you know but you 've just got to be slightly careful I think of the figures and erm i if if you know it 's much better if you can talk to the the
12 If anybody has any absolutely yes I 'll be quite happy I mean to me chairman of the trust or with management committee to meet anybody if they feel that they 've got some concern they wish to discuss I 'm quite happy to do that all I can say is that nobody has actually wro wro wrote to me or rang me to say they 'd like to meet to discuss that and I 'm quite happy to do that .
13 ‘ In fact , ’ fluttered Miss Harker , ‘ considering everything you have told me … which I am quite sure you believe to be true even though I am sorry to tell you it can not be …
14 ‘ Well , ’ he said , taking Shae in his arms and softly kissing her hair , ‘ it would seem I am damned , because you are indeed all I want from life . ’
15 From the basic idea that we had some very surprising product benefits grew the comic device used in the commercials of people being so surprised they fall of their seats .
16 And although as I say people were very poor they seem to be very happy some of them .
17 and then we started speaking to this chap and say we were looking for this place where the erm , they sell all this food and so on , what 's the name of the place , he said oh he says it 's finished , so he said you know where the er , we said er where 's somewhere good you know to , to go and have a nice sleep , and he told us about that place up the mountain where we went , where we all went the last time
18 ‘ Look , it is most urgent I speak to Mr Roirbak .
19 I do n't know much about snooker , I must be honest , the last time I played , I kissed off the pink and owed Stewart Cameron a fiver , and that 's basically all I know about it .
20 The scale of the structures around them is so huge they look like teams of porters marching over a range of hills to a mine .
21 We 're fortunate in having an excellent blacksmith called John who 's also the Minster 's blacksmith , who manages all our ironwork very cheaply we have to d he 's so busy we have to just get it when we can .
22 This will create a seating island which is probably all you need in a confined space .
23 Which is why you must do that sort of That that 's probably all you need for that bit .
24 It 's also good I think for , for cricket in general that he 's got a pitch that helps him a bit on the fifth day and that 's how it should be .
25 On the application , the walls are in wood , and that 's as much you get with a polycarbonate roof .
26 Coming in at all , so that 's , that is n't easy , but it , eh were it works it 's really good I mean for example we , we d o up the Poll Tax enforcement policy , erm and again it was where the Cou I mean if the Council had followed the legislation on Poll Tax collection , it 's you know , erm and it did n't want to do that , and so again well , it 's , well it 's related to this legislation bit , but we looked at , we looked at how we could get round that legal procedure and we looked at developing a more sensitive policy and we had to do that with other departments .
27 And that is precisely all we have of what has now come to be known as Fermat 's Last Theorem .
28 Very concerned about the breakdown of law and order in the country which is very serious I feel at the moment .
29 There is very little we know about these processes although several studies are being carried out at present .
30 It was so hot we lay on the floor and watched the wheeling and turning of the planes and the occasional flare-up which told of a kill .
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