Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] to a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lewis was plump , and rather coarse in appearance ; Williams , who has been unkindly likened to a monkey , was actually rather ethereal in manner , with his long fingers and piercing eyes .
2 Another patient with a low fistula has had her pouch excised and has been successfully converted to a Kock ileostomy because of severe ileoanal stenosis requiring pouch intubation that became socially unacceptable .
3 The Cement Garden , by contrast , seems entirely professional in its execution , the work of a young man whose private demons , however unruly , have been successfully harnessed to a career .
4 Nicholas Dyer is imagined as the builder of Nicholas Hawksmoor 's churches in the East End of London ; the enlightened edifices of a rational Christianity are thereby ascribed to a devil-worshipper , while the name ‘ Hawksmoor ’ is assigned to the Detective Chief Superintendent who , in the later narrative , frets himself into a delirium over a series of stranglings which takes place in the vicinity of the churches .
5 Venetian blinds are better suited to a study or workroom where a simple , practical treatment is needed , and where they can be easily dusted over .
6 There are pygmy varieties that can be grown in a sink , right through to vigorous kinds that are only suited to a lake or large pool in a public park .
7 Although broader in the range of their social backgrounds , they are somehow homogenized to a degree previously unthinkable .
8 They are normally pinned to a pelmet board in the same way as a pelmet , through pocketed webbing tape , hand stitched to the back .
9 Swordtails are best kept to a ratio of one male to three or four females .
10 Such terms are best confined to an appendix .
11 When cleaned , non-ferrous metals are best brought to a finish before priming with zinc chromate or zinc phosphate .
12 * A new report suggests that coastal marine pollution as a result of the Gulf War has been largely confined to a strip of several hundred kilometres along the northern Saudi coastline .
13 So these problems and similar ones to them are generally led to an abandonment I suppose , or a lack of interest in feat in a pure feature analysis view to how we build up and recognise objects .
14 And there are many who are deeply committed to a faith which is alive and obvious to everyone with whom they come into contact .
15 Carried back to Edinburgh , James witnessed the fate of two Douglas brothers who , scorning to collaborate with the intriguers , had been treacherously invited to a feast known to posterity as the ‘ Black Dinner ’ and there beheaded before his eyes .
16 My watch must have been gradually slowing to a stop all day .
17 Irrespective of the decisions of the World Bank classifiers , however , it is an undeniable fact that in the 1990s most hitherto self-proclaimed socialist or communist countries are rapidly coming to an understanding with transnational capitalism , and that the scope and volume of the transnational practices of such states with the states and institutions of the capitalist system have increased dramatically in the last decade .
18 The grants are usually tied to a theme and conditions .
19 Any seriously ill patients are usually sent to a state hospital . ’
20 This expert might have to deal with a wide variety of issues , including the builder's/lessor 's obligations to obtain planning permission , as well as the design and construction obligations , issues which are usually left to an arbitrator or an Official Referee of the High Court .
21 If the consideration is securities in the bidder , the shares are usually issued to a trustee to hold on behalf of the untraceable shareholders .
22 Even under normal circumstances , however , people throughout the world are still exposed to a variety of environmental hazards which jeopardise their safety , health , happiness and , indeed , survival .
23 UNIVERSITY students are still sticking to a boozing , sexy lifestyle despite the recession .
24 The tesserae are still applied to a bed of mortar , but the client could expect the work in the room which was actually receiving the mosaic to be finished much more quickly than with the direct method .
25 The British imitators are still whispering to a city that 's still in bed .
26 Not only are they moving away , but often they are also moving to a place totally unsuitable for elderly people .
27 We 've got a number of questions we want to ask you , because er though you 're pivotal to all of our erm activities in this enquiry , we are also looking to a report which is hopefully going to be influenced the Bill the Government brings forward .
28 ‘ We do 60-hour weeks but there are no split shifts , and we are also committed to a team spirit because people are the main asset . ’
29 The Women 's Tennis Association have announced that fines for playing in an exhibition without approval in the same week as a major event have been sharply increased to a level which it is hoped will help to prevent it happening again .
30 After reaching this stage there are still opportunities for movement from small houses to large houses and on to Travel Inns which are often attached to a Beefeater Restaurant .
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