Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [verb] [conj] it come " in BNC.

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1 They did not — and it was admittedly no part of their business to do so — inform us for which purposes the existing social services are ‘ excessive ’ ; and it may be observed that other commentators , political and non-political , though they are frequently willing to indicate social services which in their opinion are ‘ inadequate ’ , are extremely taciturn when it comes to illustrating the more obvious half of the truism with specific examples .
2 That mining might mean the end of the road for the town , with a population of some 6,000 people , did not unduly worry the man from the Department of Economic Development — Northern Ireland ( DEDNI ) , Ivor Greene , who told the Irish Times ‘ If it was decided that the time was proper for mining to proceed , Ballymoney could disappear but the people would be well compensated if it came to that ’ .
3 The experience of the seven-year-olds outside the communicative system is still limited , and their limitations are particularly exposed when it comes to repairing inadequate instructions .
4 When viewers have had time to develop their own theories about the scene , they are strongly motivated when it comes to listening to the soundtrack to check whether or not they were right .
5 Now , I am sadly lacking when it comes to corresponding , but that time I did manage to write and thank her , adding that she would always be welcome to come and call if she ever was in the area .
6 The project also shows Europe is still divided when it comes to food .
7 The situation is equally blurred when it comes to the fund managers .
8 However various kinds of feminists might wish it otherwise , women play a mix of roles in present-day British society : they are wives , mothers , daughters and paid workers , and they somehow juggle all these roles together , largely by taking on part-time work which , as Land points out , is seriously marginalised when it comes to occupational benefits .
9 when I lost my weight with slimming we were try I was losing two pounds a week and I were n't starving , I was still drinking and it come off and I lost , I lost about I think it was about eighteen pounds , it was over a stone .
10 The East Bank was consistently preferred when it came to investment , for irrigation , land reclamation , electricity , transport and communications .
11 Luckily the rug was never pulled although it came close .
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