Example sentences of "[be] [det] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And finally just in terms of er public transport , I think it 's fair to say that there there 's probably little in it between them all because they 're all very poorly served by public transport .
2 Are these sufficiently closely defined for us to be able to apply them to particular cases ?
3 And yet these three languages , spoken almost exclusively in television studios ( despite claims by some scholars that proto-Majorese was once spoken in the streets of Brixton ) , are all somehow distantly related to English .
4 The grapes are all along here see behind the washing ?
5 Further , being at or near the top , these persons are those most strongly identified with the goals of the organization … they believe in the , organization , they want to attain its goals , they profit personally from such goal attainment .
6 Of these animals , water-pigs are those most highly charged with mystical power ; they wallow in water , which the Lele believe to be the place of spirits , so the association is plain .
7 These purposes are those most readily associated with the objectives of the positive state which emerged towards the end of the nineteenth century and which are summed up in the idea of government as institution which promotes progressive evolutionary change .
8 They were all pretty well oiled by then so I went back and sat with the other children .
9 They were all equally carefully examined by Philip Corder , John Gillam and myself , and there was a unanimous verdict that every sherd belonged to the first century .
10 They were all so deeply embedded in themselves there was no love or support left for her .
11 Those with closely involved spouses or other relatives were all very well supported at home .
12 The corresponding German guns — the 30.5cm and the large 42cm — lacked the mobility of the Austrian pieces , which were those most frequently used during the war of movement in the early months of the conflict .
13 It is all very far removed from that school of painters who specialise in washed-out stencilled flowers and garlands painted on the sides of distressed pine chests .
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