Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] off [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Along one wall of the warehouse , four loose-boxes had been partitioned off by old refrigerators pushed together , which made very satisfactory walls .
2 initiation is focused upon the lengthy constraint of boys , during which period the boys are separated off from female society , taught male solidarity , bellicosity , and endurance , and trained to accept the dominance of older groups of men ;
3 Thoughtful people who are not able to buy the simplistic analysis are written off with contemptuous slogans like ‘ If you are n't part of the solution you are part of the problem ’ .
4 This is necessary because many overhead costs are not included in work in progress but are written off against current profits each year ( see Chapter 11 ) .
5 Vast areas of Rum have been fenced off for century-long experiment to re-create the natural woodland environment .
6 Collected elsewhere , these might have been written off as terrestrial contamination .
7 It transpired that it had been syphoned off into private businesses .
8 It denied , however , that the reactor was one of two which had been turned off after particular criticism .
9 The spot has been cordoned off with orange tape .
10 Otherwise they are syphoned off into mysterious Liechtenstein trusts , or are invested in companies whose identities are kept secret .
11 ( You can still buy one cheap in the car park round the corner from Victoria as they 're auctioned off by young Ozzers looking for the fare home . )
12 Some of our more charming wayside stations have been sold off as private houses .
13 Yet this is becoming increasingly difficult as the numbers of new council houses being built have been greatly reduced in recent years , while many have been sold off by Conservative councils .
14 They have been promised permanent showing : they have been given carefully considered hanging , and in some cases have chosen the position themselves ; their works are set off with surprising poise by the predominantly green and white college buildings and gardens , a complex severe and playful at once , severe in its geometry and playful in its romanesque quotations .
15 The new separator relies on electrophoresis : different molecules are pulled off in different directions toward positive or negative electrodes .
16 Do n't be fobbed off by meaningless answers from politicians .
17 Do n't be fobbed off by meaningless answers from politicians .
18 The Government can not be unaware that women are frightened to travel alone at night in isolated places , to wait in bus depots where no staff are present , or to be dropped off at bus-rail links at isolated railway stations where there is no one to guard them against possible danger .
19 Many will therefore be hived off to quango-like agencies based on the eight-county structure .
20 While Fountains Abbey , the great Gothic ruin set in beautiful parkland , could naturally be transferred to the National Trust given a suitable endowment ( who would provide the millions needed for that ? ) , and Westminster Abbey 's Chapter House could be entrusted to the Church of England , it is uncertain whether some of the less glamourous archaeological sites could be hived off to local councils without risk to their future .
21 The simultaneous news that the Commander in Chief of the Army , von Brauchitsch , had been relieved of his duties and that Hitler himself had taken over the direct military leadership of the army , together with the undeniable fact that the German advance had come to a halt and the Soviet counter-attack close to Moscow could only be staved off with partial retreats , and , not least , the entry of the United States into the war , combined to produce the first major shock to the German population during the Second World War .
22 Different large-scale multi-divisional enterprises may exploit these advantages in different degrees , according to the form and degree of diversification they have developed and according to the particular effectiveness of their management , but the general point here is that these advantages can not be written off as financial/speculative considerations .
23 For the second week they 'll be whisked off to lively Barbados , where they will stay at the Discovery Bay Hotel on the fashionable West Coast of the island .
24 Vigilance is certainly required that funding allocated for the public good should not be siphoned off into private firms .
25 Oh , a at nineteen forty eight they split up the electric supply and the three was nationalized and erm it , it just went out of the control of the local councils , it was government controlled then and there was a distinct possibility that the transport section would be sold off to private enterprise and the only private enterprise that was capable of taking over then was the Eastern Counties but erm I think the , the erm local council having had the transport under their wing for so many years , fought off that erm feeling and erm they kept with it and er , of course all the accountancy went to the Borough Treasurer and the certain members of clerks from the Borough Treasurers , which was at in those days , er seconded on to transport accounts .
26 This is all so that we can produce more that we can eat , and yet for some reason the excess ca n't be sold off at reduced prices .
27 Pacific Bell says that where applications cross its service area boundaries , transmissions will be handed off to long distance carriers of the customers ' choice .
28 I think it 's worth checking with the company concerned , but where caustic soda has been used , it leaves a whitish residue , and this should be washed off with clean water , then the wood allowed to dry .
29 On the negative side , the small shareholder may find himself scaled down to such a small stake that a sizeable portion of profits would be wiped off by share-dealing costs .
30 Wo n't smudge or run when touched and can be cleaned off with ordinary remover .
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