Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] to be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The simplicity and flexibility of the notation of DC are recognized to be two of its strengths .
2 The standard method of recovery must be taught because it has been proven to be effective during testing .
3 Dyed Glassfish have been proven to be susceptible to Lymphocystis and the white marks may not in fact have been white spot .
4 ‘ You were afraid of the light because you 'd been taught to be afraid of it , ’ said Rachaela .
5 In the bat , the five fingers have been programmed to be long in order to support the web for flying .
6 The capacitive reactances are designed to be low over the operating range of frequencies compared with any incidental shunting capacitive reactance or resistance .
7 Being keen-sighted created , we are designed to be alert during the day and to sleep through the dark hours .
8 They are designed to be equivalent in standard to existing qualifications , such as those of the RSA and CGLI , and to replace them in Scotland .
9 They are designed to be positive in their orientation , emphasizing what pupils ‘ know , understand and can do ’ .
10 General SVQs are designed to be open to those who are not in work .
11 New immunosuppressive agents have been used recently and are claimed to be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease .
12 The products are claimed to be cabable of operating as a client to Novell 's NetWare SAA communications server across Novell and TCP/IP networks .
13 Skanform panels are claimed to be ideal for covering large wall areas in environments where surfaces are constantly cleaned and a high degree of hygiene is necessary .
14 US companies are expected to be involved in the research , backed by £65 million of EC money .
15 Some development work has already been done by pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of bottles and caps , and satisfactory child resistant containers are expected to be available for use with liquid medicines in the near future .
16 The first products supporting the Telnet/OLTP extensions are expected to be available in the middle of the year .
17 The new integrated SVQs , probably at levels II and III , are expected to be available in early autumn 1992 .
18 Downstream , in light of high product stocks , industry refining margins in the USA and Europe are expected to be lower in the first quarter of 1993 than in the fourth quarter of 1992 .
19 But you are expected to be competent with such material even if you feel this is not what you would eventually choose to work with .
20 The walkers are expected to be grateful for the left-over street space that is allocated to them and to not object when more is taken for road widening and comer-shaving , or when motorists use the remaining pavement to park on .
21 Government backbenchers are expected to be present at all stages and though they are entitled to speak for half the time available on the floor of the House , in committee they are expected neither to speak nor to move amendments but simply to keep voting for the government 's proposals .
22 A total of 23m workers ( 11.9% of the labour force ) are expected to be jobless in Europe by the end of 1994 .
23 But in the first 10 months of 1989 alone over 7,000 have arrived , and there are expected to be 10,000 by the end of the year .
24 But for the time being , the first salmon skin shoes are expected to be ready for sale in 8 weeks time .
25 Continental-crust rocks often carry a low Nd signature , but are unlikely to have low γ Os , because Re/Os ratios are expected to be high in evolved crustal litholigies .
26 It is frustrating that women are expected to be happy with the traditional women 's jobs .
27 This range of compositions is called the ‘ miscibility window ’ and has been reported to be present in other systems .
28 Several octamer binding proteins called Oct-1 to Oct-10 , identified by distinct band shifts , have been reported to be present in various mouse tissues at different stages of development ( 17 ) .
29 The prevalence rate of hypercholesterolaemia in diabetics has been reported to be similar to the non-diabetic population , that is from 8 per cent to as high as 52 per cent ( Hayes , 1972 ) .
30 Circulating eosinophils have been reported to be negative for L1 and they apparently show only variable positivity in inflamed tissue .
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