Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] out in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had risen from the couch and was awaiting his approach , her consternation evident as if she had been caught out in some misbehaviour .
2 Surveys of T. canis prevalence in dogs have been carried out in most countries and have shown a wide range of infection rates , from 5% to over 80% .
3 Significant research has been carried out in this field .
4 In fact Peasgood suggests , in one of the few surveys which have been carried out in this area , that selection in academic libraries from the ‘ book in hand ’ was found to be no more effective than selection from lists ( effectiveness being measured in terms of subsequent issues ) .
5 Numerous MEG supported projects have been carried out in this area , especially by Noranda-Kerr , and all data are available on Open File .
6 At the end of Chapter 3 it was pointed out that the 1960s had seen a series of reform proposals in British government and that by 1980 most of these had been carried out in some form though the question of devolution had still to be settled .
7 It is important to distinguish between such lexical analysis of uncontrolled terms in thesis titles , ( which has not been carried out in any detail in the present study but which is one of the factors analysed in a paper in preparation by the author ) , and the subject classification carried out by Rolfe , Will and in the Laming list .
8 The recessionary scenario has been played out in several U.S. institutions in the past two years .
9 What has been set out in these pages is a programme which could change Britain for good .
10 The way in which the above activities are set out in this handbook is deliberately quite detailed in order to suit those who prefer to know how to do everything step by step .
11 The circumstances in which Mrs. O'Brien was persuaded by her husband to sign the legal charge are set out in some detail in the judge 's judgment .
12 The nodes are laid out in some sort of space .
13 The fundamental considerations in taking a decision on loans are laid out in another Midland Bank booklet called ‘ How to Borrow Money ’ by Margaret Dibben .
14 The fundamental considerations in taking a decision on loans are laid out in another Midland Bank booklet called ‘ How to Borrow Money ’ by Margaret Dibben .
15 It must be pointed out in this connection that , as the court has consistently held , the mere fact that the competent authority is empowered to grant exemptions or dispensations can not justify a national measure which is contrary to the E.E.C .
16 An environmental survey and a study of inter-generational differences on family farms will be carried out in those areas .
17 The cases can be carried out in any order and entirely selectively ( there is no ongoing storyline ) .
18 The communication of findings can be carried out in any manner which meets the performance criteria .
19 Next year two-thirds of all motorway maintenance work will be carried out in this way .
20 This needs to be spelled out in some detail .
21 Well this is , this is where , this is , I mean this is one of the issues that has to be brought out in any discussions concerning partnership .
22 Hence the contrasts and similarities between the Yugoslav and Hungarian experiences of economic reform , which will be brought out in this project , should prove extremely interesting .
23 The document stated that the arguments for and against would be set out in some detail .
24 Often this work can best be set out in this way .
25 Thus the learning context of any child must initially be the loving home where relationships can be tried out in all kinds of ways , mistakes made , lessons noted and adjustments effected .
26 The balance between congregational and other music is one which has to be worked out in each church , with the advice of the worship committee where there is one .
27 Despite being picked out in this way there were still failures and difficulties .
28 Both endoscopic ultrasound and computed tomography were carried out in all patients .
29 The sheriff of Cumberland received orders to see that the Council 's commands were carried out in all respects .
30 Direct field observations of professional and paraprofessional social service personnel at work and in training were carried out in each country .
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