Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] only [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Among the canonist collectors and commentators at Bologna ( and probably also in Rome from time to time ) were the Englishmen , Gilbert and Alan , whose importance in canon law scholarship has been recognized only in recent years .
2 Many caves are located only after diligent search .
3 They are moved only in exceptional circumstances .
4 Suitable candidates for M are a dynamic-programming-type alignment score ( 16 ) of π , π m or a simpler and faster scoring scheme based on the numbers of pairs of mapped probes which are adjacent in π m and are separated only by unmapped probes in π .
5 Sexuality , he pontificated , was one of ‘ the areas of social life that are revealed only to medical men , in the hope that they may be in a position to suggest some mode of relief ’ .
6 It should be noted that data on the ethnic origin of babies who died of the sudden infant death syndrome are collected only in certain areas , and the definitions used are inconsistent , being based either on mother 's country of birth or her own report of her ethnicity .
7 We found it had been secured only by one-inch-long wood screws .
8 At the Earthlight manse , women had been attended only by female servants , and men by male servants .
9 If the answers to problems are sought only in empirical research the ‘ broader perspective ’ remains unrealized .
10 Acid cleaners are accessible to and are used only by senior supervisors .
11 Care should be taken to ensure that such guidelines are used only in appropriate cases .
12 Care should be taken to ensure that such guidelines are used only in appropriate cases .
13 Previously , foreign investment had been allowed only in specially created joint venture companies , to a maximum 49 per cent stake , while repatriation of profits had been accomplished only through complex barter deals .
14 The shutters protecting the sculpture are opened only during Holy Week .
15 The Canadian authorities , in the meantime , asked for forty-five cuts to be made , which Nicholson refused to do , and so by the end of 1971 the film had been shown only in selected cinemas in America and even there , the reaction had been mixed .
16 As with quoted speech ( see b.2 and b.3 ) , it is possible to find instances of reported speech where the necessary clues to the identity of the speaker are found only in preceding text .
17 Polar stocks are generally assumed to have accumulated , and still be accumulating , adaptations that equip them for the polar environment ; endemic polar species , that are found only in polar regions , are assumed to be derived from temperate or subpolar stocks , via intermediate stages that no longer exist .
18 Such soils are found only in small pockets in the Forest .
19 Local patients , investigators , and resources are known only to local people , and assessments must be made locally .
20 Three-legged Coptic forms are known only from seventh-century contexts , often rich barrow burials such as Sutton Hoo , Taplow ( Berkshire ) , Asthall and Cuddesdon .
21 If it is difficult now to concur with the Bioscope reviewer 's judgement that the film ‘ surpasses in technical achievement anything of its kind ever made in Britain , and at times soars to heights of directorial brilliance ’ , it 's still possible to understand how an audience that had been accustomed only to silent films might warm to the various acts on display .
22 In the past decade , some CF centres have reported increased isolations of P cepacia that can not be explained only by improved laboratory proficiency in culture and identification .
23 30 Rd6||c5||31 Rf3||Ra7|| 32 Re6+||Kf7||33 Re7+||Kg8|| 34 Rg3||Resigns Mate by Bh6+ can be delayed only at ruinous cost .
24 Home addresses will be given only to other teachers .
25 But part of the necessary information can be gathered only by professional observation and requires the application of educational judgement before it can be used to assist in the formulation of recommendations for action " ( Audit Commission 1989:7 ) .
26 Tranquillizers should be prescribed only for short periods to help patients through crises where their levels of anxiety are such that their coping ability is grossly impaired .
27 In Japan , robotics seems to be limited only by human imagination and technology .
28 He rates their subtlety , but points out that they can be mixed only with warm sauces or , he warns , they start to lose their delicacy .
29 We believe that the dispute can be resolved only by peaceful agreement between India and Pakistan .
30 Re-definition , however , whether by the courts or Parliament , is at best a partial answer to the difficulties which have arisen , since the difficulties of construction are at least as important as those of substance and can be resolved only by statutory amendment of the rule that ‘ a gift for both charitable and non-charitable purposes wholly fails ’ .
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