Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] that [pers pn] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has been noted that it was for the same crimes that Klaus Barbie was sentenced by the courts in Lyon to life imprisonment .
2 I can not resist retelling one of the anecdotes : in 1963 , at a party to congratulate Cotton on an award he had just received , Lipscomb told Cotton that while he was delighted by the choice , it should not be supposed that he was on the ‘ cottonpickin' ’ committee .
3 It might be said that it was in 1973 that Warrant Officer Dirk Coetzee 's real life began .
4 It could therefore be argued that it was in the interests of the Soviet Union to see the Korean peninsula in the hands of a friendly regime and American-Japanese interests pushed out of the Asian continent .
5 But it must not be thought that he was in this alone in his society : there were others also who were not .
6 It is a little difficult to explain why the 1 January method superseded 25 March as the start of the historical year , although it can be shown that it was in ordinary use early in the eighteenth century , as witness such as ‘ A True and Perfect Inventory of the Goods and Chattells of John Green Deceased the eight day of January 1713/14 ’ .
7 On the other hand , on a different occasion she expressed feelings of depression and powerlessness in the face of professional opinion , conceding that she might allow him to go to residential school if it could be shown that it was in his best interests .
8 The building has been the subject of controversy ever since locals were told that it was to be turned into a clinic for twenty six convicted sex offenders .
9 When that matter was put to the Home Office and the Department of the Environment , we were told that it was for the local authority to sort out the matter with the local police force .
10 They climbed the stairs to Sir Rufus Stone 's chambers , and were told that he was in conference .
11 It is said that he was of a delicate constitution in early life , and was accordingly placed in the care of his uncle , Mr Greener of Hallgarth , near Winlaton .
12 I telephoned Downing Street in quest of the Prime Minister , but was told that he was in Rome awaiting a call from me since he was anxiously concerned about the consultants and the possibility that their action might indeed have fatal consequences for some patients .
13 When I rang your bank to query this , I was told that it was for supplying information and bank statements to District Audit and that you were going to apply this to all Parish Council accounts .
14 f was told that it was in order to save the rest of my sight : a new laser beam method was to be tried .
15 Emburey 's last Test was against Australia at Old Trafford in 1989 , the game in which it was announced that he was among 16 rebels who had decided to tour South Africa and accept an international ban .
16 Aurangzeb had been struck down with a fever , and it was believed that he was beyond recovery .
17 In Dare it was held that it was for the trier of fact to determine whether an assault was a sexual assault , having regard to all the circumstances involved .
18 In the case of R v Spurge [ 1961 ] 2 All ER 688 it was held that it was at least careless driving where the driver took a vehicle on a road , knowing there was a defect such as defective steering or brakes .
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