Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] to [be] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , members of other cultures are understood to be themselves active participants in such model building and so their social and linguistic ‘ grammars ’ have to be taken into account also .
2 ‘ But you said that morality must be seen to be something superficial . ’
3 Let us call to mind the ‘ representative firm ’ , whose economies of production , internal and external , are dependent on the aggregate volume of production of the commodity that it makes ; and , postponing all further study of the nature of this dependence , let us assume that the normal supply price of any amount of that commodity may be taken to be its normal expenses of production ( including gross earnings of managements ) by that firm .
4 For example , over a season , six species of Shorea are visited in turn by species of thrips , which are believed to be their major pollinators .
5 A source of tension in government was Lekhanya 's perceived conciliatory attitude towards South Africa , whereas Moshoeshoe and some officers on the Council were said to be themselves sympathetic to the South African liberation movement , the African National Congress ( ANC ) .
6 When she was eighteen and had actually been accepted at Chelsea Art School , she had been determined to be somebody wonderful , somebody famous , like Amelia Earhart or Margaret Mead .
7 The implications of this for the relation between how and the infinitive are exactly the same as with need and dare : if the means of realizing the infinitive 's event are not felt to exist , then there is felt to be nothing real occupying the before-position which real means always occupy with respect to the end pursued , and therefore no to preceding the infinitive .
8 Step aerobic classes are springing up everywhere , so there 's bound to be one near to you .
9 Well it 's bound to be something weird I suppose .
10 Melangell 's grave slab has been reset in the floor of Cell-y-bedd and the shrine rebuilt to its full height in the chancel , which is believed to be its original position .
11 There are suspicions that Mr Kinnock , who will not intervene publicly in the contest , is trying to speed up the process in order to boost the chances of Mr Smith , who is believed to be his preferred successor .
12 In contrast , the gigantic photographic images depicting what the curator Jeffrey Deitch has called our Strange Developments act to bludgeon what is assumed to be our jaded sensibilities , but more obviously demonstrate the burn out of a certain faction of the mid Atlantic artworld , curators and buyers .
13 This is meant to be something special . ’
14 Even if Nicu was intended to be their ultimate successor , he was not allowed to appear as dauphin , particularly not after making the critical remarks to his father about the economic problems and social conditions in Sibiu .
15 This story did the rounds some years ago , when Romanians already had the measure of their leader , but while the West was still honouring President Ceausescu for what was considered to be his independent stand on foreign policy issues .
16 On the contrary , I was mocked within the family for my ‘ posh ’ accent , and for what was considered to be my general childishness , especially as far as my sense of humour was concerned .
17 As a leading man in films he was expected to be nothing other than purely masculine .
18 The tide turned against the Labour government in its marginal defeat in 1951 because of what was seen to be its still strong commitment to state regulation and control and because of the new-found attractiveness of the free-market ideology offered by the Conservatives .
19 This was a crucial consideration , especially for the unskilled , because it was seen to be their only asset .
20 A named 40-year-old nurse who was said to be his previous girlfriend for seven years was reported as saying about her sex life with the man : ‘ We had a good love life .
21 Only later did Oliver Michaels come back with the sobering news that the hotel was strangely full of policemen , that there was no breakfast to be had save for coffee and muffins , without a trek to the Albion Hotel , and moreover there was thought to be something odd about Sir Thomas 's death which no one would specify .
22 Pieces were collected and laid out in what was thought to be their correct positions .
23 Like the British , the Danes have watched with growing alarm as the institutions of the EEC have begun to take control of matters far beyond what was thought to be their original remit .
24 She just knew , she knew with absolute certainty , that in this vast , noisy , busy city , something would happen to her , and it was bound to be something good .
25 He has hitched his wagon to more stars than a Romany king yet he 'd have put down lifelong roots at first love Manchester City , and not just because a ground called Maine Road was bound to be his spiritual home .
26 For her it was one of the few instances where Susan was allowed to be anything other than a 15-year-old schoolgirl .
27 Paul Wickham , whose occasional presence had been a pleasant adjunct to her dogged mournfulness , was discovered to be her new love .
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