Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] [adv] [conj] with " in BNC.

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1 Plainly , there was no such feature in the building prior to its conversion , but its insertion has been undertaken so carefully and with such sensitivity towards the simple , almost primitive shapes and textures of the original interior that it looks like a perfectly natural element .
2 … if environmental problems are pursued rigorously enough and with sufficient attention to likely contributions from other disciplines they may foster constructive alterations in public policy but at the same time may stimulate new research and refinement of research methodology to the benefit of geographic discipline .
3 The agent will send it around to publishing houses where she or he will have contacts , so your work will be seen more quickly and with a more benevolent eye .
4 It seems more than likely that with parishes concentrating on basic food needs , the other kinds of discretionary payments , which had been a feature of the eighteenth-century poor , were made less often and with declining generosity .
5 Her books were produced more slowly and with much frustration .
6 In all periods his work was strikingly fresh in conception and observation , the motif being conveyed very directly and with formal economy .
7 Patients with active colitis were colonised less frequently and with lower numbers of E coli than were control patients .
8 The data were analysed both visually and with the help of the Synectics Gastrosoft Multigram software ( version 5 ) , which was originally designed for oesophageal manometry .
9 The ecumenical movement has reversed three centuries of division which began with the failure of the Savoy Conference in 1661 and the imposition of the Act of Uniformity , Today , Holy Communion is celebrated more frequently and with a set liturgy , often in an ‘ Anglican ’ way ; set prayers are common and sometimes take a responsory form ; the increasing use of a lectionary means that the choice of readings depends less upon the whim of the preacher and more upon an ordered scheme .
10 This time it was said more slowly and with powerful conviction .
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