Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] [that] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In New South Wales , the definition of sexual intercourse has been expanded so that it covers a range of sexual acts apart from vaginal penetration .
2 A major extension of the East Approach Road has been made so that it connects to the existing four-laned Seafield Road west of the King 's Road junction .
3 I must give this to the Prime Minister , explain the strong feelings and see whether the guidelines can be altered so that it becomes more usual to impose a stiffer sentence .
4 Ideally , this provision should be deleted , or at the very least it should be amended so that it applies only to the consent of a mortgagee or superior landlord actually required under the terms of an existing mortgage or superior lease .
5 The hip belt should be adjusted so that it fits snugly on the hip girdle , and not round the waist .
6 It must be redesigned so that it illuminates the choices facing the country — not , as now , obscures them .
7 So should a school like this one equip for the realities of unforgiveness of the world outside , or should it be much more generous in the way it shows forgiveness and can a school be organised so that it does actually reflect Christ 's teaching on forgiveness .
8 The most important single aspect of siting is that the hutch must be positioned so that it does not receive direct sunlight .
9 SERBIA will be told tomorrow that it faces total isolation unless it halts the killing in Yugoslavia .
10 Unless the court otherwise orders , an affidavit may be used notwithstanding that it contains statements of information or belief , but every affidavit shall state which of the facts deposed to are within the deponent 's knowledge and which are based on information or belief and shall give , in the former case , his means of knowledge and , in the latter case , the sources and grounds of the information or belief ( Ord 20 , r 10 ) .
11 Supplementary Benefit was to give way to Income Support and the much-abused system of single payment was to be replaced by a Social Fund ; Housing Benefit was to be reformed so that it did not discriminate against the low-paid in work ; and the whole social security system was to be simplified .
12 If listed building consent is given to demolish a building , either wholly or in part , the Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments has to be notified so that it has the opportunity to make a record of it .
13 The cylindrical surface can be slit along its length ( at AA ) and unrolled to lie flat on a plane ; however , there is no way that the sphere can be unrolled so that it lies flat .
14 It is clear that the scheme needs to be administered so that it dovetails with and reinforces the benefits of other grant schemes which provide for hedge renovation and management .
15 A length of pipe that is the diameter of the intake of the powerhead should be cut so that it fits upright in the jar and come level with the top edge .
16 Under Resolution No.6 to be put forward at the AGM the directors propose that the authority should be extended so that it applies for five years from the date of this year 's AGM .
17 the accuracy of basic patient activity data must be improved so that it commands the confidence of the user .
18 Theories have been put forward that it had anything from 6 to 24 sides , and even that it may have been circular .
19 Because it was publicly owned , its activities were restricted so that it did not compete unfairly with the private sector .
20 Very few people are surprised by the merger , but many were taken aback that it happened so soon after last year 's franchise battle .
21 This is not arbitrary — it is designed so that it operates just as well with colour-blind predators as with those that have good colour vision .
22 Artificial lenses of this shape are optically poor , but a fish 's lens is designed so that it corrects these aberrations , achieving a quality of image with a single lens which camera manufacturers are still trying to match .
23 The Code is drafted so that it does not impose any obligations on the parties to a takeover and their directors which would place them in conflict with their legal duties .
24 In patients with this type of depression , their critical period is advanced so that it falls during sleep .
25 The multiprocessing version of IBM Corp 's OS/2 demonstrated at Comdex will be going into beta test sites this summer : theoretically it is capable of supporting up to 16 processors , but the company humms and hahs about how many are practicable ; the kernel itself is locked so that it runs on a single processor , but this will change in the forthcoming versions using Workplace OS , says IBM 's Ms Dimfel .
26 The multiprocessing version of IBM Corp 's OS/2 demonstrated at Comdex will be going into beta test sites this summer : theoretically it is capable of supporting up to 16 processors , but the company humms and hahs about how many are practicable ; the kernel itself is locked so that it runs on a single processor , but this will change in the forthcoming versions using Workplace OS , says IBM 's Ms Dimfel .
27 ( 7 ) If the scheme is structured so that it does not involve a transfer of shares it is possible to avoid stamp duty ( see para 2.4.3 above ) .
28 The d.c. supply voltage ( V5 ) is chosen so that it produces the rated winding current ( 1 ) when applied to the total phase circuit resistance , which is equal to the sum of the phase winding ( r ) and forcing ( R ) resistances : In general the phase winding has a considerable inductance , so its natural electrical time constant ( inductance/resistance ) is long .
29 Secondly , I would point out that it is unusual for the Committee to be able to assert with confidence that legislation which is changed so that it conforms to their views , was changed solely because of these views .
30 A bedcradle was placed so that it relieved the weight of the bedclothes from her legs .
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