Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] all the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Definitely conforming to the notion of a great , late period , these works , executed in Venice , Switzerland , the Italian Lakes and elsewhere , are painted with all the power and expression of the late oils .
2 Furthermore , nothing has yet been said about all the research that does not depend on the collection of data by the sociologist ( primary data ) but instead makes use of secondary data — the wealth of material already available from other sources , such as government statistics , personal diaries , newspapers , and other kinds of information .
3 We have now examined into Master Hussey 's means , and we are satisfied , ’ said the prince , very gravely and courteously , ‘ that even though no exact inventory has yet been made of all the property passing to you , Master Hussey , by your uncle 's will , yet you have certainly acquired assets which must be disposable , and of such a nature as to be very readily disposable .
4 Another apology has been made in all the charter proposals for public services .
5 This standard model , a close-knit set of theories similar in form , is in excellent agreement with all the measurements that have been made in all the world 's particle accelerators .
6 Typically a business 's back of order terms of supply are applied to all the business 's contracts of supply .
7 I think if you 're seen at all the wedding fairs no good just going to one wedding fair .
8 But even though you 're endowed with all the wealth , all the push , I 'm still — ’
9 The rabbit might as well have been stuffed for all the movement it made , and I could see that it definitely was staring right at me , its little eyes not blinking , its tiny nose not sniffing , its ears untwitched .
10 Regional promotion ensures that TV and radio stations throughout the country are supplied with all the material and information available .
11 We are born with all the potentiality for intelligence we are ever going to have , and there is not all that much we can do except to achieve as much of that potential as the world and its intelligence experts will permit us .
12 They are supervised in the early days , encouraged to speak up at meetings , and they also attend training programmes which are provided for all the care assistants .
13 The aim is to identify the elements shaping social identity which are shared by all the family types and those by which they differ .
14 The same or greater loss of bone has been found in all the predator assemblages examined here .
15 What has been overshadowed by all the hype about CFCs is that carbon tetrachloride ( ‘ tetra ’ ) and 1,1,1-trichloroethane ( ‘ 1,1,1 ’ ) were also included in the London revision of the protocol .
16 Would you advise heparin to be given in all the district general hospitals where thrombolysis is being used ?
17 But we must accept that these occasional audible signals were not even meant to be heard by all the chorus singers : they were to be heard by the sub-conductor(s) , who would then relay the beat visually .
18 TAKE a trip on the Teifi Valley and prepare to be charmed by all the romance of an archetypal country railway with its single track threading between bustling hedgerows , under bridges and over winking streams .
19 The low-calorie ( and that means low in fat as well ) recipes can be enjoyed by all the family , so you wo n't feel there 's any need to deny yourself good food while you 're slimming .
20 There is a common concern in the Division that the values which guide research in the area of Language in Education , and which research findings confirm , should be revealed in all the teaching throughout the Division .
21 From 1 January 1993 , disclosure will be made of all the business interests and those of connected persons of members of the Council and the new Lloyd 's Market Regulatory Boards .
22 Before the Validation program may be run , the LIFESPAN system must be closed down , and a backup copy should be made of all the database files .
23 He will require a check to be made on all the radio navigation and approach aids and reports to be produced .
24 Because generations of hard working and poorly-paid working people have shown enormous resilience and good humour in coping with substandard housing , polluted air , lifeless local rivers and streams and degraded surroundings , it does n't mean that efforts to improve air quality , the quality of rivers and also , no less , the quality of the surrounding landscape should not continue to be made with all the imagination and expertise the community has at its disposal .
25 At its worst extreme , and particularly where the panel is a voluntary committee , all of whom are giving their time for nothing , the selection may well be made without all the panel having interviewed the candidate .
26 The perambulations of the other forests were as little to the liking of the regents , and in December 1219 they ordered fresh perambulations to be made in all the forest counties .
27 The design process is recognised as being one of refinement , in which a number of iterations may need to be made before all the design goals are achievable .
28 To reduce the complexities and costs of complying with a number of different requirements in different member states , the Community may co-ordinate , approximate or harmonise the relevant rules of national law , that is to say , lay down rules which must be adopted by all the member states .
29 But this was different — a public event that would be attended by all the island big-wigs .
30 It is a low cliff , approached by a path , and can be done in all the beauty of the Verdon scenery but with none of the problems of the big cliffs .
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