Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun sg] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 Each of the rooms has been furnished in a manner which combines the elegant traditions of Thailand with the relaxed style of an international resort .
2 Forest products are gathered at a level which does not affect the harvest next year be it fruit , timber , grasses , wild honey or medicinal plants .
3 For species of birds , the data are given in a form which will make any natural clusters obvious .
4 The Roman authorities are treated with a respect which is almost excusing them from any responsibility .
5 Why the Scots in general , and the sea-fishermen in particular , should have put up with this monstrous injustice is hard to understand , but the insult has now been compounded to a degree which surely demands some national response .
6 Critics also argue that this has been compounded by a policy which has unfairly favoured the private sector in preference to the public sector .
7 At the present stage of development of US television , on the other hand , the schedules of the majority viewing channels ( and this is of course complicated by the much wider dissemination of cable ) are stripped in a way which concentrates particular genres and subgenres within the same time-slot : the competition is directed quite blatantly at the same demographic group or taste constituency , and , characteristically , for the network viewer , the choice is within genres and subgenres rather between them .
8 Interpretation may also be difficult if risk factors are examined in a protocol which comprises several treatment arms , since the effects of non-pharmacological factors may be obscured by a variety of treatment effects .
9 Fortunately there are now many people who think this is wrong , and they do so mainly for the same reason , that is , because the ‘ god ’ spoken of has never been explained in a manner which they themselves can easily understand and believe in .
10 His head had been propped against a rock which had attracted the lightning of a sudden thunderstorm : the bolt had hit the rock straight on and rolled down the rock — so they all swore — to stab him fatally in the neck .
11 Here dance , music , creative writing and ( my particular concern ) visual art had been developed to a quality which was remarkable .
12 It is generally the case , nevertheless , that in the 30 years since the signing of the Treaty , EC policies have only rarely been developed in a framework which explicitly evaluates the spatial impact of those policies .
13 It has long been known that the chain molecules of many natural and artificial polymers are arranged in a way which is at least partially crystalline .
14 Moreover those three reeds are guarded by a witch whose life will end when they are cut down .
15 In a sense , if cultural products are regarded as a code which must be interpreted , this code has become increasingly difficult to decipher without access to some key .
16 The labelling of cans of tuna as " dolphin-friendly " should be discontinued , since no importer can be sure that the tuna has been caught in a way which has does not threaten dolphins , according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society ( WDCS ) .
17 It also believes that planning can ensure that new buildings are designed in a way which it likes , and has an ability to prevent anything , however small , happening near its own house which reduces its value or interferes with the way in which it has been in the habit of using it .
18 Richard also seems to have felt a special devotion for the shrine of Bury St Edmund 's — he may well have been attracted by a cult which celebrated a king who died in the struggle against pagans .
19 Emerging technologies such as document image processing ( DIP ) are surrounded by a mystique which makes them sound attractive to potential customers , who are nevertheless unsure about how they will actually help their business .
20 The conflicts and inconsistencies present in our commonsense and other mere primitive concepts of inquiry are resolved in a procedure which exhibited a harmony between presumption , aim , and method ; it can be pursued in a totally self-conscious , reflective , self-controlled and rational fashion .
21 ( 1 ) Where premises are let under a tenancy which puts on the landlord an obligation to the tenant for the maintenance or repair of the premises , the landlord owes to all persons who might reasonably be expected to be affected by defects in the state of the premises a duty to take such care as is reasonable in all the circumstances to see that they are reasonably safe from personal injury or from damage to their property caused by a relevant defect .
22 ITN had said that in the 12 months before the ban was imposed , 0.01 per cent of air time would have been affected and these items could have been recast into a form which complied with the directives .
23 The figures are included in a report which aims to open a debate among water companies , consumers and regulators , about the desired level of water quality and the way improvements should be financed .
24 WORKS by the Scottish Colourists , including Samuel John Peploe and John Duncan Fergusson , are included in a sale which Sotheby 's is holding in Edinburgh tomorrow .
25 A BNFL sponsored conservation award has been won by a company which used extensive landscaping and environmental work in developing a former RAF site .
26 He said developments are expected within a year which will not only enable severe astigmatism to be corrected but also long-sightedness .
27 He had , he claimed , been superseded in a promotion which he thought he had a right to expect from the Master of the Horse .
28 Such metalwork and fabric may have been decorated in a way which conveyed meaning to the wearer and the viewer , but all of the artefacts whose technology we have considered had , first and foremost a function to their owners .
29 When you are interviewed for a job which may involve press relations ( and most do ) your potential employer will often call a few journalists on major publications to see what reaction they have to your name .
30 After trading for some months , he has been approached by a company which says it owns the rights to the trade name Pizza Parlour and that he must desist from using it .
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