Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] a [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Det Sgt Pat Lewis , of the child protection team , confirmed she had been examined by a doctor and added : ‘ We will be speaking to her in the morning .
2 They are assigned to a team and introduced ( if that 's the word ) to their team leader .
3 In the third term of Year II , major students are placed in a theatre or theatre organization in the British Isles for an intensive six-week programme of work experience .
4 Eddie made a harsh sound that could have been intended as a laugh but sounded more like a cry of pain .
5 Similarly , although the smallness of the samples of 16th , 17th , and 18th Century publications in need of repair means that conclusions about them must be treated with some caution , it is worth noting that if all pre-1800 items are treated as a group and the proportion of them allocated to each of Categories 3–5 calculated , their pattern of distribution ( ‘ Poor' 78% ; ‘ Bad ’ 18% ; ‘ Fragile ’ 7% ) comes close to matching that already established for all defective items .
6 In patients with an in situ gall bladder the risks of biliary related problems are higher although they are in keeping with the general incidence in patients who are treated with a sphincterotomy and successful duct clearance .
7 Circuits are flown without a crosswind or base leg , just a constant turn to or from the downwind .
8 If you are on a camping holiday and are stopped with a penknife or sheath knife on your belt and a rucksack on your back , most policemen would accept that you need the knife for camping .
9 Applications are developed on a PC and then sent to the target machine .
10 Years of trial work resulted in the discovery that organo- mercury seed treatments would control these seed-borne diseases , and from the 1940's their use has become so universal that such devastating diseases have never been witnessed by a generation or two of farmers .
11 Young people approaching the age when they would no longer be the formal responsibility of the local authorities became the primary consumers of residential care for several reasons : first , many had been placed with a family and temporary readmission to residential care was needed when such placements broke down ; second , some did not wish to join a new family and preferred group living amongst other young people and appointed caregivers ; and third , some were admitted to a residential setting for help with specific problems or as part of a strategy to prepare them for independent living .
12 Epictetus said that we have been placed in a festival and we must enjoy it and be full of delight in it .
13 According to Klein , a child psychoanalyst , babies are consumed with a primitive and innate rage when their needs are not met and they are in bodily discomfort .
14 The general twinning link between Musselburgh and Champigny-sur-Marne has been developed on a primary and secondary school level and Betty 's own Musselburgh Burgh is twinned with Marcel Cachin Primary School .
15 Even if something has , in the first instance , been pillaged , rather than just been given as a gift or whatever , the statute of limitation could perfectly well have run out , and indeed , in Germany , if there has been a good-faith purchase in between , the period is ten years ’ .
16 If the patient has been referred to a hospital or has sought emergency treatment at a hospital , then he may proceed either against the negligent individual , the relevant Health Authority , or both .
17 At the onset she had been referred to a surgeon and had a normal barium enema and chest x ray .
18 Metal whiskers of this kind had been known of , in a general sort of way , for a long time but had been regarded as a nuisance or a curiosity .
19 For women it matters less whether they are referred to a gynaecologist or a urologist than that they are referred to someone with an interest in urinary incontinence .
20 If someone knows they 've been contaminated by a needle or a knife , for instance , then I think the testing certainly is available . ’
21 Both of these room types are situated on a hill and reached via a flight of steep steps .
22 The proposals are intended as a package and not for piecemeal negotiation .
23 Once the gospel has been received by a group and a church formed , the next question which must be faced is , ‘ How should this Christian community live and organise itself to express most authentically the new life of the gospel within that cultural context ? ’
24 But when he has been exposed as a liar and a traitor , left alone on stage , Shakespeare allows him to end the scene with a soliloquy in verse : .
25 As the book opens the only outside visitors to the sleepy town of Macondo are a troupe of gypsies , but by the close its residents have been exposed to a railroad and the attentions of a rapacious banana company .
26 ‘ Well , Boyo , it 's either this or that , ’ said Taff , pointing to the alternative — a large piece of meat that had been roasted over a fire and looked most unappetising .
27 It is important that fieldwork should be properly supervised and that is why all professional research agencies get their field supervisors to make check calls on people who have been included in a sample and why fieldworkers should always have someone to turn to if they have any doubts or are in any difficulties .
28 A 5th sheep belonging to a farmer in another field had also been attacked with a knife and beaten to death .
29 A pub landlord has been attacked with a knife and locked in his own cellar during a robbery .
30 Another worker said it was too early to say whether industrial action was likely , but added : ‘ My own feeling is that we are caught between a rock and a hard place . ’
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