Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [be] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 Legal aid is not generally available for tribunals , they are intended to be cheap and both sides are clearly expected to bear their own costs .
2 Bright states in his introduction that the " audience is seen as academic and professional , but interdisciplinary ; thus articles are designed to be intelligible and useful to people in related disciplines " ( Vol.1 , p. ix ) .
3 More problematic for the school as a whole are those initiatives that are designed to be cross-curricular and pervasive : language across the curriculum , maths across the curriculum , computing across the curriculum .
4 It has a range of public rooms all of which are designed to be light and airy .
5 They are designed to be portable and enable herdsmen and hunters to move around the countryside in search of new pastures for their camels , sheep and yak .
6 The men are claimed to be dishonest and immoral .
7 For the purposes of CGT , the trustees , as a body of persons , are deemed to be resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom unless : 1 .
8 If it is the case that we are motivated by nothing more than the need to reproduce , then it makes sense that women are programmed to be broody and men to satisfy that broodiness .
9 Many are considered to be ineffective and contribute to the problems of disruptive and disaffected behaviour — but for unstructured and individualized reasons — an uncaring and insensitive teacher here , an inappropriate and irrelevant syllabus there .
10 Blues and greens , for example , are considered to be cool and restful ; yellow is thought of as sunny and gay ; while red , orange and tans are associated with warmth , as are peach and apricot .
11 Journalist Victor Guzev , who travels with CSKA , said : ‘ In our society the players are considered to be wealthy and able to afford most things in life .
12 Included are a number of ex-Aeroflot Antonov An-2 biplanes which are reported to be airworthy and available for sale at $600 each .
13 It is also necessary , in areas where student members are small , to select experts who are seen to be neutral and do not have a conflict of interest with the college .
14 When the arm spines are cleaned in bleach the smaller ones are seen to be thin and only slightly rugose with the area of attachment reinforced while the larger spine has an almost smooth shaft with a multipointed head .
15 The various parts of society are seen to be interrelated and taken together they form a complete system .
16 Agreement with the objectives will help to ensure that they are seen to be important and that activity will be directed towards their achievement .
17 For many people a prime symptom of stress is loss of their sense of humour : playfulness is replaced by earnestness or snappiness ; casual jokes that one would normally return in good spirit are felt to be wounding and hurtful .
18 For our purposes , facts may be defined as statements which are accepted to be true and may be supported by evidence .
19 Mr and Mrs Key are said to be grief-stricken and still undergoing therapy after the loss of their baby sons .
20 Half of all aircraft are said to be inoperable and two thirds of all vessels are in port at any given time .
21 Nerves that communicate with the use of acetylcholine are said to be cholinergic and are found in the peripheral and central nervous systems .
22 Amplifier circuits that oscillate parasitically through accidental positive feedback are said to be unstable and , unless their design can be modified to render them stable , are useless for amplification purposes .
23 The more these techniques are made to be routine and intuitive , the greater your chance of being ahead in the last sprint .
24 Welcome back:The people who look after the Malvern Hills have been accused of being secretive and undemocratic .
25 ‘ but invariably , even when we have needed to correct or update details in our reports , the sad fact remains that the overall portrait of horror has been shown to be true and if anything , understated . ’
26 Liposomes , which in clinical trials have been shown to be non-toxic and non-immunogenic , may be safer than viral vectors which have the inherent risks of immunogenicity , replication and transmission .
27 One hundred and twenty people are thought to be dead and more than fifty are injured in what 's thought to be China 's worst air disaster .
28 He has to judge each application for registration in the light of the Principles ; to the extent that the Principles are agreed to be universal and timeless , the march of technology should present few problems , since particular technical processes are not dealt with in the Act .
29 Brother Kenneth , Prior of the order , which is based in Telford , Salop , said : ‘ Members are called to be chaste and , in modern terms , must not sleep around .
30 The present squeeze on resources of all kinds in CMEA economies has made them so taut that the short-term consequences of market-orientated measures ( inflation , unemployment ) are bound to be sharp and widespread .
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