Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv prt] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When she had been strapped back on to the bed beside a tray of sinister-looking instruments in the medical centre , Benny had tensed her muscles as best she could , before the guards had fixed the buckles and left .
2 Animals in all stages of misery are turned out on to the streets , left in remote areas , even just left behind after the family holiday .
3 Wedges of oceanic crust are thrust up on to the overlying sediments of the subduction zone and uplift ensues ( Fig. 3.16 ) .
4 Many birds die and individuals are washed up on to the shore .
5 More and more of us are letting the conservatory fill up with pots , urns and tubs in winter , keeping the plants safe from the cold until May , when they can be rolled out on to the terrace , wheeled on to the patio or carried to the paved squares on the lawn where they will put on a show all summer long .
6 When records are being updated during the run , and so have to be written back on to the device after they have been read into main storage , this method involves no loss of time .
7 The dismissals were announced the day after Girija Prasad Koirala , the general secretary of the Nepali Congress Party , had delivered a message to the King warning him that unless substantial powers were quickly turned over to the new government , crowds would be called back on to the streets of Kathmandu .
8 The two men had smiled and laughed and let themselves be led out on to the lake .
9 That , given the potential for trouble when hundreds of disgruntled drinkers are thrown out on to the street at the same time , was surely the prudent tactic .
10 When these weapons are taken out on to the streets , it can lead to a change in the spiritual climate , of which more later .
11 The electrons are deflected down on to the specimen by a pair of adjustable magnets attached to a movable carriage on the top of the specimen chamber .
12 Does my right hon. Friend accept that we returned with an impression of economic chaos — and the impression that , although aid from this country and others is welcomed , it is feared that too much is being siphoned off on to the black market ?
13 As it happened , the entire episode was resolved after The Smiths decided to repoen communications with the label and a somewhat confused Easterhouse were invited back on to the Scottish tour .
14 Three were dragged back on to the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car .
15 Three were dragged back on to the train and taken by the scruff of the neck from station to police car .
16 He had remembered having seen , that first day , some goats grazing further on down the river bank , had made some inquiries and discovered that they were taken down on to the river bed every morning by a boy who acted as herd .
17 In female flowers , the flies are wedged in tightly , the thorax pollen being rubbed off on to the stigma .
18 The notion that patients are being thrown out on to the street is not borne out , ’ he said .
19 The roof drainage should be able to take water away quickly and cleanly without obstruction , and therefore eaves tiles should discharge neatly into gutters without water being blown back on to the wall or woodwork .
20 In the Columbia River area of the western U.S.A. where most of the lavas were erupted about twenty million years ago , such vast amounts of basalt were poured out on to the surface that hills 1,500 metres high were drowned in lava !
21 Before doing so I should say by way of parenthesis that I have totally bypassed the colleagues who are currently members of the Government , several of whom suggested privately that they would resign if the Maastricht bill or anything like it is brought back on to the floor of the House of Commons .
22 I can understand why John was overexcited by New York , where , at night , life and all its colour and reflection is folded out on to the street , and not shut in and huddled , behind the glow of windows .
23 YOU FAT BASTAD ! ’ as a stage diver is thrown back on to the stage and Carl , who has removed his glasses in a rare moment of vanity , gets out of the way by blundering blindly into the snare drum .
24 As she was pressed back on to the couch her mind raced madly in protest , but all she managed to bring out in a kind of croak was , ‘ No , Daddy , no . ’
25 The next morning — or soon , anyway — Spunk was beamed up on to the bridge of the low-lying spaceship by the mischievous , conical , beep-voiced aliens , who then travelled through time and beamed Spunk down again into Greenwich Village , 1980 .
26 Liam was helped up on to the driving seat by an even grumpier Den and the two women and the reins put into his hand .
27 The main road was blocked for twenty-five minutes whilst the three-quarter-ton monster was winched out on to the tracks , and cars soon began diverting themselves through the portals of the nearby Methodist Church .
28 Yussuf was pitched off on to the other side .
29 The body was thrown off on to the track and the investigators with the exception of Sherlock Holmes were deceived into believing it had fallen from a carriage .
30 After her coat was thrown down on to the couch , to be followed by the long mud-fringed skirt and tattered voluminous blouse , there appeared before the child a fat woman , a very fat woman , in what seemed to be a clean blue-striped blouse and a long grey skirt with a fringe .
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