Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] any [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But no attempt to dismantle radically the fabric of state regulation or public service provision has yet been pushed through in any liberal democracy , so that the public policy configuration now remains quite distinct from that prevailing before 1945 .
2 There is no ‘ mass audience ’ of uncritical couch potatoes ready to be fobbed off with any old rubbish .
3 Indeed , for those interested in observational methods , it is hard to see how a longitudinal study of any magnitude could be carried out in any other way .
4 Instead a person could be held to commit an offence if he used words or published written matter which were threatening abusive or insulting in situations where , ‘ having regard to all the circumstances , hatred is likely to be stirred up against any racial group in Britain . ’
5 In the present state of our knowledge of provincial life during the late Tsarist and early Soviet periods , no precise scale can as yet be drawn up on any single topic , let alone a general model that encompasses and balances all factors .
6 No more than 10 per cent of total investment to be tied up in any one company .
7 Certainly the word ‘ romance ’ can not be tied down to any one meaning .
8 Manpower , which operates a system of layoffs for staff to whom it can not offer an assignment , estimated that between five and ten per cent of its workforce might be laid off at any one time .
9 A local authority may not cause the child to be brought up in any religious persuasion other than the one in which he would have been brought up if the order had not been made ( s33(6) ( a ) ) .
10 Reports suggested that senior figures in the ANC had sought to prevent a top-level meeting until it appeared that a cessation of violence could not be brought about by any other means .
11 The attacks came without warning and did n't seem to be set off by any direct thought about being moved .
12 The roots from the bushes within the hedge are no real problem compared with tree roots ; they can be chopped through with any sharp spade or graft .
13 An element is a pure substance which can not be split up into any simpler pure substance .
14 On these grounds alone it would be ruled out by any sensible organisation looking for a big office site .
15 The diaphragm and spermicide can be put in at any convenient time up to three hours before making love so it need n't interfere at all with intercourse .
16 But do n't be put off by any early setbacks because some simple experimentation will soon determine the best way of producing boards with this technique .
17 Deep down , he knew that she would be put off by any direct approach .
18 The ‘ gaze ’ for Lacan relates to this fictitious place that can never be taken up by any human being .
19 She could get other boarders , he would never , with his reputation , be taken in by any other landlady in Florence no matter what was paid .
20 Similar variations of chopping behaviour with rotor position occur at other current levels , so instead of monitoring chopping in an excited phase it can be convenient to excite , at a very low current level , a phase which would normally be switched off at any particular time .
21 Tax administrators often see tax theory as a luxury to be indulged in in any odd moment they might have to look up from their files , while tax theorists tend to see the administration and practical aspects of taxation as an easily coped with minor irritant , or deviation , from their ‘ grand design ’ .
22 ‘ At my age it 's not as though I 'm going to be snapped up at any other club .
23 This question has not been taken up in any serious way .
24 High apartment buildings and hotels were built up without any urban planning .
25 His eyes were cut off from any outside flow , angry , as if two parts of his mind were fighting .
26 Iran has made it plain that it would take it amiss if it were left out of any post-war security arrangements for the Gulf — but even more amiss if outsiders ( read Americans ) were to stay on .
27 She said people receiving the letter should not worry that they have been singled out for any genuine reason .
28 You will have to pay the first £75 of the cost if the repair or replacement is carried out by any other repairer .
29 You will have to pay the first £75 of the cost if the repair or replacement is carried out by any other repairer .
30 You will have to pay the first £75 of the cost if the repair or replacement is carried out by any other repairer .
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