Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv prt] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 It meant he 'd been laid off again at the stocking factory .
2 Would you deal with an additional matter please your worships er , not on your list he 's only been brought in almost at the start of the court of this morning .
3 The patients are followed up partly at the outpatient department , partly at local hospitals .
4 He was philosophical , not to say laid back about the inconvenience of being called out unnecessarily at the end of what had already been a long day .
5 Some of these materials were tried out effectively at the most recent course described above .
6 She could hear the clatter of iron shutters being cranked up over at the amusement arcades .
7 I was let down lightly at the beginning , though .
8 The circular stapling gun was then introduced through an anterior gastrostomy and opened in the lower oesophagus when a nylon or silk ligature was tied round just at the gastrooesophageal junction .
9 She was cut off tragically at the height of her powers , but she had already made her mark : a crucial contribution to one of the most important discoveries of the twentieth century , and work on two major biological problems and the techniques for solving them , that helped lay the foundations of structural molecular biology .
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