Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] i [vb base] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid this letter has been delayed as I have n't had a chance to get it to the Embassy before today .
2 Kevin 's been done but I 've not given him anything back in writing yet , which I 've go to do .
3 I think erm most of the points as I 've said before , have probably been made and I do n't want to make them any more but I would just make one other when we 're talking about means tested it 's interesting that you 're advocating means testing in that way .
4 ‘ I 'm sorry you 're miffed because I do n't want to sell and I 'm sorry our views on the nuisance value of my workshop conflict , ’ Ashley said , ‘ but why do n't we wait until the villas are occupied and take a vote among the owners ?
5 In the excitement of buying a car , and you get this extended warranty , the customers think they 're covered and I do n't think they are .
6 You know , I 've been told that I do n't like women .
7 ‘ I have given 100pc but my play has been affected because I have not been mentally happy . ’
8 You wish to think all the world respectable , and are hurt if I speak ill of any body .
9 ‘ Please , señor , it 's my two hundred dollars that 's been stolen but I do n't want this .
10 I can not be refuted if I claim that my visual sense-field contains a yellow sense-content , but I can be refuted if I go on to claim that there exists a yellow object that is responsible for my sense-content .
11 She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I do n't continue , but the way I am feeling now , I do n't want to .
12 Robins , clutching the ball after his first senior hat-trick , said : ‘ Comparisons are bound to be made because I 've just scored three on TV and United are struggling .
13 And he said : ‘ I 've had a good rest now and it remains to be seen whether I have still got it .
14 Though it has to be said , he wrote , and Goldberg , his eye racing down the page covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , paused to sip from the glass of fresh orange-juice at his side , wiped his forehead and went on typing , it has to be said that I have occasionally had the illusion that I knew what step to take first and even , occasionally , what step to take second , I will not talk about a third .
15 And beaming proudly the 47-year-old superstar declared at London 's Heathrow airport : ‘ Never let it be said that I do n't carry the baby . ’
16 It will be noticed that I refer only to those cases where the patient , or someone on his behalf , has made his view known .
17 I enjoy the club atmosphere , I like amateur boxing , I 'm employed and I do n't want to turn professional . ’
18 I 'm damned if I know why I did n't tell you in the first place , back when all this started happening .
19 But I 'm damned if I know where it 's coming from . "
20 I think the British end somehow managed to start itself up — though I 'm damned if I see how . ’
21 One or two , maybe , and I 'm damned if I see how we 'll identify them in a hurry but … ’
22 ‘ Come , ’ she added , ‘ you must be exhausted and I prattle on .
23 It wo n't be difficult then for me to let it be known that I do n't want you working here . ’
24 I was only there a few weeks and was so bored and anxious to be gone that I remember very little about the place .
25 Jackie phoned me up to say , she phoned me up today for a chat , we were chatting away and she said erm , I heard Brenda , Brenda , so I knew it was girl , and er , I was saying she walked straight into the kitchen and I was sort of still on the phone , I was saying yeah , yeah , ok and erm , I said I 'm going out shopping and I 'm taking the dog with me , I said ok fair enough , she said well you 'll probably be gone when I get back , I said oh might be but she said but I do n't know and erm you know and I just put the phone down cos she wanted to see the pictures , my little girl asked put all the pictures up for him and er were looking at all the pictures and I 'd forgotten about Jack on the phone you know , so she s all of a sudden I got back she said oh your phone call she said who you talking too ?
26 For example , by the third sub-maxim of Manner ( " be brief " ) , wherever I avoid some simple expression in favour of some more complex paraphrase , it may be assumed that I do not do so wantonly , but because the details are somehow relevant to the present enterprise .
27 And in the end the child 's internalising , I 'm loved because I work hard , and this is what I have to do .
28 Your money is spent only on Oreste you can be assured for I have enough .
29 I must get back now , if for no other reason than that the table will soon be cleared and I have n't had a bite since this morning .
30 Well I think so I think it 's been identified but I do n't think it 's been followed through .
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