Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] [vb pp] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 What may be unusual is my conviction that constitutional change , a reordering of the formal arrangements of political power and the nature of the British State , is a precondition for the achievement of the other changes , and that demands for this change may well be the vehicle through which other aspects of the strategy are developed and used as a stimulus to political action .
2 Bill Naysmith , Group Design Director , has been nominated and chosen as a finalist for a National award ‘ The Prince Philip Prize ’ for the Designer of the Year .
3 It had now become clear that it was necessary to understand why what had been designed and certified as a fail-safe structure had collapsed in the air in quite normal flight operating conditions .
4 Twice a year letters to ministers are collected and published as a Select Committee Report to the House of Lords , under the title ‘ Correspondence with Ministers ’ .
5 ‘ The clauses probably have been misused or overused as a tool .
6 Four bays of the facade — including a section of the street corner and the eagle — have been saved and incorporated as a screen wall within the new entrance foyer .
7 Grove House in Bawtry , three 17th-century cottages combined as one house in the 18th century , has been bought and restored as a private house .
8 Regardless of their initial intentions , their work has been understood and accepted as an open manifestation of political support .
9 Having been recognised and ratified as the Messiah , he now begins to act as a Messiah should .
10 This bridge ( Cowley Bridge ) , built by James Green , the county surveyor , in 1813–14 , is so fine in design that it has already been scheduled and protected as an ancient monument .
11 Now Morwellham Quay has been restored and developed as an open-air industrial museum , where visitors can see the docks , inclined planes and waterwheels , and go underground into one of the disused copper mines .
12 This conferred a sense of order on village life , a sense of ‘ place ’ , in both a geographical and a social sense , which could be recognized and accepted as an immutable fact of life .
13 This conferred a sense of order on village life , a sense of ‘ place ’ , in both a geographical and a social sense , which could be recognized and accepted as an immutable fact of life .
14 Country house parkland , however , deserves to be recognized and protected as an artistic creation in its own right .
15 Its use does not preclude the side-by-side use of specific MAS checklists or work programmes but the SEPR must be regarded and treated as the lead control record .
16 And where they were seen or heard , to be treated and reflected as a person first — and as a black person , an Asian person , a woman or someone with a disability second or not at all .
17 When you 're presenting plans , stick to the point — two good reasons for doing something are better than ten because your last reason is probably the weakest , so can be attacked and used as an excuse for a refusal .
18 As Boxes 1 and 2 make clear , there is a great deal that needs to be done if a residential area is to be designed and operated as a safe and habitable district .
19 A g-g transition may be forbidden if considered as a purely electronic process , but it may become allowed if it is coupled to a vibrational process of u symmetry — if , for instance , a u vibrational mode is excited in the upper state .
20 The human conscience should be respected and revered as the most precious and effective thing that the human race , in its struggle to civilise itself , has available , and it can be used only by giving it the utmost priority in child training .
21 The effects of alcohol abuse , seen as a major social problem at other ages , can unwittingly be accepted and dismissed as the outcome of ‘ normal ’ ageing .
22 A pressed flower card can not only be enjoyed with the others but can then be framed and hung as a picture ( see pp. 130–1 ) .
23 Addressed here are the socially organized ways in which dirty water comes to be noticed and defined as a pollution , thereby creating a case about which an enforcement agent has to take some action .
24 For example , regular work has to be postponed or cancelled as a result and , because of the knock-on effects , there is never space for team members to take time off in lieu , in order to recuperate from overtime working dealing with highly stressful situations .
25 Perhaps that should be our first and major point : that BSL should be researched and evaluated as a language , and that this language , though apparently different in medium , shares similar grammatical processes with many spoken languages .
26 The more that addiction comes to be understood and accepted as a disease beyond the control of the sufferer then the less acceptable or defensible will be dismissal .
27 ‘ Far from being invalidated by the fact that , for instance , a perfect balance of power policy will scarcely be found in reality , it assumes that reality , being deficient in this respect , must be understood and evaluated as an approximation to an ideal system of balance of power .
28 In the space of a few years the word ‘ hooligan ’ had outstripped its humble local origins and its specific reference to London gang life ( it had also begun to lose its capital ‘ H ’ ) and had come to be understood and feared as a much more general affliction among the nation 's youth .
29 A long debate has raged about whether the tip should be flattened or preserved as a monument of the ironstone industry .
30 On the work front , he took a step nearer to what he thought would be a move towards transferring his energies to the other side of the camera and his next work was so outlandishly eccentric that perhaps in the year 1998 it will be rediscovered and offered as a superb example of long forgotten pop art of thirty years earlier .
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