Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] over the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Footsteps are heard all over the building causing surprise and apprehension and expectancy in those visitors who have heard about the phenomena but have n't experienced it .
2 Table 7 gives some idea of the many Friesian derivatives which have since been developed all over the world .
3 Counties are designated all over the south .
4 Families are like constellations of stars : we see each one as an entity , because they make some recognisable design , yet the individual stars are scattered all over the universe , apart .
5 The first 20 live closest to the hospital that is to do the transplant , the next 20 are somewhat further afield and the remainder are scattered all over the country .
6 The teaching faculties and administrative offices are scattered all over the city but , forming a wonderful backdrop to King 's Parade , stands the Senate House .
7 In more recent times , the present owners turned the old peasants ' houses , which are scattered all over the estate , into pleasant apartments .
8 oh , right oh then , she said it 's been done all over the country
9 Bottle bins and cages for newspapers and cardboard have been positioned all over the centre and the scheme will be inaugurated at 2pm on June 17 .
10 His drawings and paintings have been exhibited all over the world .
11 It reveals all that has been said in the many policy launches and the speeches that have been made all over the country .
12 Or had it been shot down over the Channel ?
13 But long ago , in 1946 , the questing and the questioning had become almost unbearable , and I knew that to keep my sanity I must force myself to an arbitrary conclusion : I would believe the least terrible of terrible possibilities — that the plane had been shot down over the Channel by enemy action .
14 And th th th they 're known all over the world .
15 They 're spread all over the country , which is why I have to travel so much and why the Consulate had difficulty tracing me . ’
16 ‘ They are used all over the school . ’
17 In the last 21 years the British state has developed a range of counter-insurgency techniques which have been exported all over the world : ‘ special units ’ such as the SAS , sectarian shoot-to-kill squads , political laws , special courts , media censorship and new styles of torture which leave no mark .
18 Over the last year thousands of films have been produced all over the world .
19 His photographs of both Irish and international artists have been used all over the world , in books , newspapers , magazines , tour programmes , films , advertisements and on record sleeves .
20 His work has been sold all over the world and he recently held a successful one-man exhibition in Paris .
21 These circumstances are mirrored all over the country and are linked with the lack of a firm policy framework at school , local authority and national level .
22 Based on original sheep shears , 82 different models are exported all over the world .
23 At midnight the church bells are sounded all over the city and the sky is full of all varieties of fireworks .
24 It took him nearly an hour to assemble the rest of the stick who had been dragged all over the desert by their parachutes .
25 His predecessor in the position commented : " He 's been dragged all over the company .
26 On Jan. 25 the government claimed that the rebels had suffered many casualties and had been driven back over the border into Uganda .
27 Low granules are found sporadically over the disk , slightly larger ones in the vicinity of the radial shields .
28 The geostationary communications satellites placed high above the Pacific to link the banking and trading centres of South-East Asia , Japan and Australasia with those of North America preside over a ‘ window ’ of the planetary territory of geometrically fixed size — rather as if a cone , a dunce 's cap , the height of which is equivalent to the altitude necessary for a satellite 's geostationary orbit , had been set down over the ocean .
29 Here the usual export formalities occur before the guitars are shipped all over the world .
30 The method has been imitated all over the world , in places as diverse as New Zealand , Italy , Russia , England , California , Australia , Spain and India , and that list is by no means complete .
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