Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Various outcomes have been examined in randomised controlled trials of intrapartum fetal monitoring ; the only complication to show a lower ( and largely consistent ) decrease in the monitored groups was neonatal convulsion , and this protective effect seemed to be confined to prolonged , induced , or augmented labours .
2 This spare copy has now been stopped following recent budgetary cuts at NACAB central and area offices , but its importance has been reaffirmed by advice workers themselves in that the vast majority of bureaux choose to buy a spare copy from NACAB using bureaux budgets .
3 The chicks are placed in pivoted running wheels , a bit like the treadmills one can buy for pet hamster cages , placed in front of a red or yellow rotating , flashing light .
4 Since the implementation of the 1981 Education Act such directives on the BD8 Registration Form are placed alongside other professional recommendations relating to the child 's school placement .
5 Where medical questions are involved , specific decision-making powers are given to medical adjudicating authorities .
6 In a verse autobiography which survives in two manuscripts , she characterizes herself as ‘ Fidelia ’ , and the political and theological reasons for her conversion are given in powerful Drydenesque polemic .
7 ‘ If we afforded them the respect they deserve the respect they are given in other European countries then the standard of service we would get would be a lot higher , ’ says the 55-year-old Swiss-trained baker .
8 It is a great tragedy that there are types of pain which fail to respond to narcotics even when they are given in large repeated doses .
9 Some presidents are favoured with sweeping personal victories at the polls and that success may be flanked by considerable success for their party in congressional elections .
10 male economic activities and the products of male labour are prized over female economic activities and the products of female labour .
11 In accounts of women 's struggle for the vote in Britain , Scottish women active in England are subsumed amongst their English colleagues while those active in Scotland remain unknown ; Scottish cities are treated as provincial English cities .
12 Those patients who present with metastatic disease and are treated with maximal endocrine treatment will have a median survival of 36 months .
13 Typing S ( sort ) toggles the list on any screen ; order of tolerance puts + and — % ranging either side of zero , otherwise values are listed in ascending numeric order .
14 Little scientific data has ever been released to assess the effect of the killing on the dolphin population , and much of what is known about the hunt has been gathered at great personal risk by non-government organisations .
15 The powerful place psychologists have in psychology , and the large part they play in deciding how the discipline deals with gender , has been recognized by egalitarian feminist psychologists .
16 Since 1980 investgations , by this group , of patients with iron deficiency anaemia and no obvious cause , have been limited to upper gastrointestinal endoscopy , with small bowel biopsy , and barium enema .
17 JOHN Ritblat 's controversial plans for the break-up of British Land 's £1.8billion of assets have been withdrawn after strong institutional pressure .
18 Often , however , theoretical arguments have been distanced from detailed empirical investigation of industrial change .
19 The studies that have been undertaken on early Anglo-Saxon pottery emphasise that , unlike the more exotic materials discussed above , it rarely travelled far from a clay source to the point of consumption , regardless of whether it was for funerary or domestic purposes ; some classes of funerary pottery may have been transported further .
20 Similar emergency import bans have been placed on certain Andean textiles from Bolivia , on Moche artifacts found in Peru and on Maya items from the Peten region of Guatemala .
21 They left the foster mother 's home on 19 June , and after a period in a children 's home they have been placed with different foster parents .
22 Meanwhile , the band have been courted by Democratic Presidential candidate BILL CLINTON on their current US arena tour .
23 USL has been courted by other attractive suitors , and has been on track to an initial public offering .
24 These latter features are joined by other neat utilities for LCD screen users to combat that frustrating mouse pointer invisibility syndrome.A choice of four switchable radio channels is provided just in case there is any external radio interference , for example , from other radio controlled devices .
25 There is a path along the top of it to which the houses nearest the sea are joined by individual wooden gang ways .
26 Miss Lowe had become very ill , her blood sugar level had fallen so low it was unrecordable in a test , and in hospital she had been diagnosed as suffering insulin-induced hypoglycaemia , lack of sugar in the blood .
27 Do you think the police in this area are biased against young white people ?
28 The larvae are unique in that hey are present in fresh faeces , are characteristically sluggish , and their intestinal cells are filled with dark brown food granules ( Fig. 21 ) .
29 It also possesses a circular wreath as one of its concentric bands , and the spandrels of the arrangement are filled with graceful acanthus sprays .
30 Among other things , many illnesses are unreported and , unless individuals are examined by competent medical practitioners — which is comparatively rare in developing countries , mis-diagnosis is common .
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