Example sentences of "[be] [adj] for [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We are grateful for all these contributions which have substantially enhanced the quality of life of the residents at Sussexdown .
2 As has been normal for most organized communities that are not based on a money economy , African society was based on slavery ( in the sense of the life-long ownership of human beings who could be traded ) , which sometimes involved plantation work or even being used as a human sacrifice : there is no calculus to compare the disadvantages of local slavery with those of being taken across the Atlantic and used as plantation or mining labour .
3 He named it Latimeria and informed an astonished world that a creature thought to have been extinct for 70 million years was still alive .
4 In view of the high population of Hong Kong ( c. 5.5 million ) and their proximity to urban areas , these sites are popular for informal leisure-time activities ; already there is evidence that serious degradation has occurred due to heavy use ( Jim 1987b ) .
5 We are trying to populate a land which has been derelict for two thousand years with a people which has been scattered for two thousand years .
6 The various vibration bands for a given molecule have distinct band envelopes that depend on the symmetries of the vibrations concerned , because the rotational selection rules are different for different vibrational symmetries .
7 These rates are payable for any new members joining the Society from September on — thus giving three free months .
8 Life , in fact , would have been impossible for most higher forms , with only the hardiest microbes surviving .
9 Then , late one afternoon when Chola had been ill for three consecutive days , Kalchu asked the dhāmi once again to call the god to the shrine on the roof of his own house .
10 Most varieties supplied by garden centres grow a little too large to make ideal houseplants if you just take them in for the winter , but many dwarf and miniature types are ideal for deep sunny windowsills .
11 They offer the advantages of cheapness , ease of operation and simple maintenance , and are ideal for routine petrographic purposes .
12 When every second , third , … nth record is updated , conditions are ideal for rapid skip-sequential runs .
13 Suppose that dividends ( and therefore economic earnings ) are constant for all future periods .
14 They had probably been married for some thirty-odd years , perhaps longer .
15 They are useful for many other jobs around the home and garden .
16 Ocean currents are important for other coastal plants such as some mangroves ( though none of these has reached the isolated archipelago of Hawaii ) , while seeds of the forest lianes , Entada ( Leguminosae ) , are washed even as far as Europe .
17 ICI has been responsible for many major developments in acrylics since the 1930s .
18 Remarks made on Dec. 6 by an APLA spokesperson were widely seen as a " declaration of war " on the white community , and APLA was also believed to have been responsible for various other incidents .
19 I came to believe that I had been responsible for those terrible things , that I was to blame , that I must be very bad .
20 No evidence has yet been forthcoming for any external towers , the mortared stone foundation in Kingshams Field now being assigned to the medieval defences .
21 But a much smaller rise could be devastating for many coastal areas and islands .
22 ‘ I think I 'll always be grateful for those few weeks when Elise and I were together .
23 If you have not bought any new appliances since you first moved into your home , or if your family has changed in numbers , you might be due for some updated versions .
24 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors .
25 ( A Speed Test fee will be payable for such supplementary entries . )
26 ( A Speed Test fee will be payable for such supplementary entries . )
27 Both logistically and procedurally it would be impossible for all four cases to be pursued to trial at the same time , and it was therefore natural for the Barclays ( Asia ) and West L.B. matters to be placed in relative suspense , whilst attention was concentrated on Carrian and B.M.F.L.
28 A database so created would be satisfactory for some specific applications , but would not be adequate for many applications .
29 It is always advisable to check on marketability as it can be tight for some smaller issues .
30 ‘ It may well be inappropriate for such smaller companies to join the main stock market , ’ he continued , ‘ but that does n't solve their funding problem .
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