Example sentences of "[be] [adj] in [noun] [subord] they " in BNC.

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1 Dogs are polymorphic in appearance because they have been made to look different by selective breeding controlled by their human masters .
2 So may , you may have a bay for example that 's in an area where all the rivers draining into it are rich in copper because they 're running over rocks which are copper .
3 I 'm not saying it 's one that the tribunal should have accepted , but , but , but what I 'm saying is th there is an element of psychological truth in that , because if Freud 's theories if er bond Freud theory group behaviour is correct , then that does seem to happen some extent that the leader as it were takes and presumably this is why some people erm presumably er feel better in groups , perhaps that they get something out of a group that their own ego can not provide , but other people are uncomfortable in groups because they feel that their ego is being alienated and they 're losing some of their some of their power .
4 They 're open in character because they are not part of the built-up area of Skelton .
5 They 're open in character because they 're not built upon .
6 And they 're slow in learning because they optimize er using this learning rule .
7 ‘ However , I think the large institutional investors , who make up the lion 's share of the market , will be interested in NIE if they see there will be a good return . ’
8 Oh no , no , no , not at all af after the war work it , it just seemed to er no one ever seemed to get any be interested in flying as they were pre-war then , or they probably that they had cars and they could get about more you know to other outlying places like Pentiford in Wolverhampton
9 Parents allow children to be involved in prostitution because they bring in money .
10 Within this simplified conception , the role of linguistic factors in education is easy to define : some children come to school equipped with an elaborated code which enables them to be successful in class because they can use it to analyse , describe , speculate , and so on ; other children fail , because they do not possess this code .
11 They achieved this by combining two different methods : a longitudinal study , following the same children for four years from before they were able in read until they had been at school for two or three years ; and a training programme that looked at the effect of giving pre-school children specific training in categorising sounds .
12 The Helsinki Accords were significant in part because they showed that America and the Europeans could work together in defining Western aims , especially in the field of détente , and gave hope of lasting stability in Europe .
13 The scope of this judgment is such that it is also likely that member states are liable in damages where they act in breach of Community law which results in an individual or company suffering loss .
14 Everything was perfect in Delhi when they were ruling .
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