Example sentences of "[be] [adj] and i have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The result now , after over three months , is that the tanks are stable and I 've lost no more fish .
2 My discussions with the café owner have always been amiable and I have paid for car parking ( when asked ) and have gone about my business in an unobtrusive manner .
3 I am concerned and I have mentioned briefly to Mr erm something which was er said to me by a local resident who 've read the paper this morning that British Rail are gon na start using their car parks to hold er car boot sales .
4 He admitted sadly : ‘ I 'm gutted and I 've got to say sorry to the fans .
5 ‘ Sebastian , ’ I said , ‘ I 'm tired and I have to work .
6 I 'm black and I 've got to be better than the next applicant , but I do n't let it hold me back .
7 ‘ Well , I 'm short and I 've got stocky legs and a big backside — I 'm very close to the ground ! ’ he answers in typical self-effacing style .
8 Jonty Rhodes in the field : ‘ I 'm short and I 've got stocky legs and a big backside — I 'm very close to the ground . ’
9 It has taken me a while to be successful and I 've had a good time in arriving .
10 ‘ You were cold and I had to get you warm .
11 My grades were excellent and I had had hands-on work experience with marketing agencies in the West End .
12 This is something else , that is alive and I 've suggested at least two answers are possible .
13 That 's right and I 've carried the see shield on operations before .
14 By 1330 hrs it is complete and I 've managed to throw some lunch down and grab another brew .
15 Deputy 's free and I 've booked him for the launch
16 Mine 's locked and I 've got a chain on as well .
17 The ‘ 62 Strat shown in the recently published Fender Book described as Fiesta Red , is red and I 've seen pictures of others in mags described as Salmon Pink that were pink , like mine was .
18 Yeah it 's clean and I 've got dirty fingers .
19 My hair is greasy and I 've got a little dandruff .
20 ‘ If a sigh is four beats too late , I 'm on the other side of the stage four beats too early and the laugh is dead and I 've lost one of the best moments in the show . ’
21 I 've put the belt in for when he 's bad and I 've sewn him in for the winter .
22 I was sleeping with my boyfriend , and after a few months I found I was pregnant and I had to stop going there .
23 It was here when it started and the ward was empty and I 've watched it fill up , and now I 'm watching it empty again .
24 Once , when she was ill and I had to show the doctor in to see her , he was rather disconcerted to see the bedclothes on either side of Mrs Field appear to rise of their own accord — and four dogs emerged !
25 ‘ I was tired and I had to leave at approximately five — in about two hours .
26 ‘ But I felt that the fine was harsh and I had to defend my integrity which has now been upheld . ’
27 Hugo kept telling me my body was glorious and I had come to believe him .
28 He had asked me for a photograph of myself when I was young and I had told him to go around and get it from Mandy .
29 Forty minutes later my neck was long , my hips were free , my knees were out , my back was wide and I 'd learned how to sit down .
30 Athelstan stopped to compose himself before continuing : ‘ When it was over , my brother was dead and I had aged a hundred years .
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