Example sentences of "[be] [adj] that [noun prp] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I am desolate that Anthony has died .
2 ‘ I am delighted that Britain has come into line with all other major Western democracies and given the vote to its citizens who live and work abroad , ’ Sir James said .
3 Back at the corner plot , the imaginary Seniors are delighted that Carole has had the gigantic poplar at the back removed .
4 ‘ We 're delighted that Dunlop have got involved but the tournament would have taken place no matter what .
5 ‘ Oh , my brother Stair — I am sure that Matey has told you about Stair — invited me out tonight to the stag party of one of his friends ; I used to know him slightly .
6 I 'm afraid that Mrs has gone off with , ah Mrs I 'll be very grateful if you could bring me in a bowl .
7 I 'm worried that Wilko has put a distance between the fans and the team by selling popular players too often , though obviously Batty is a case in point and that was n't Howard 's fault .
8 He will also be aware that Gwynedd has set up an inquiry into those incidents .
9 Wilkinson said : ‘ I am pleased that Gary has shown his faith in the club 's future by agreeing to stay . ’
10 Ace had been amazed that Dubois had shown virtually no reaction to the TARDIS , beyond a comment that it was ‘ almost as strange as the domain of the zombi astral . ’
11 The traditional wings of the Labour movement were afraid that Livingstone had unleashed a torrent — and they were right .
12 Annie and Jonadab were unaware that George had written to tell Tamar of their Uncle George 's condition .
13 In some ways the locals were lucky that Ennex had bought Mogul as the original lease did not require the leaseholders , Mogul , to rehabilitate the area until the lease expired on 1 December 1988 .
14 While is possible that Ryde have signed him in his other capacity as Saviour of the World , the official reason is that regular ‘ keeper Ian Lloyd is having trials with York City .
15 It is conceivable that Kim had spent a brief period with the CCP at Yenan in the later 1930s .
16 But Mars say it 's unfair that Walls have banned other products from their freezers .
17 Walker 's worry is that neo-Nazis will travel from all parts of Germany and treat the clash between the champions of England and of Germany almost like a mini international He is confident that Leeds have taken all reasonable precautions but added : ‘ The great bulk of Leeds supporters are well behaved and will subject themselves to checks .
18 It is evident that Polybius has identified himself with Roman success .
19 It is evident that Ricardou had established a new doxa of reflexivity from which no deviations could be permitted , such was the extent to which he saw himself as the custodian of a radical modernity .
20 And it is apparent that Ackroyd has found himself in this manner — through exposure to Wilde , Eliot , and now Chatterton .
21 He said he 's pleased that Pakistan has decided to come back into the Commonwealth .
22 Why Stirling and Maclean were invited remains a bit of a mystery , but it is probable that Randolph had mentioned them to his father .
23 It is shocking that Europe has produced the most horrifying ethno-racism in the world during the 20th century .
24 It 's nice that Jesus has got a birthday and that , just like a normal person .
25 If it is true that Britain has lost an empire but not yet found a role , Germany is a country with an identity crisis par excellence .
26 It is true that Moscow has failed to gain access to military facilities in Iraq , despite some ambiguity over the Soviet status in the port of Umm Qasr .
27 Even if it is true that God has guided someone into a particular religion , there is no reason why the sociologist can not study the social processes involved in the person 's conversion ; and , conversely , even if it is not true that it was God who was responsible , that does not mean that the sociologist can not study the belief and the ( possibly very considerable ) consequences of that belief for the individual concerned and for society .
28 Nor will it will get the green light until the United Nations is satisfied that Iraq has fulfilled all the conditions laid down in the Security Council resolutions during the hostilities .
29 But although there was relief at this success , it is significant that Cambridge have failed to score during the first 45 minutes of their last eight games .
30 You would presumably have been aware that Skelton had undergone a tremendous expansion on its south side ?
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