Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [to-vb] that it had " in BNC.

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1 The first was the assumption that a ‘ form of words ’ which did not amend the text of the Treaty would be sufficient for the Danish Government to be able to claim that it had satisfied the wishes of the people as expressed in the referendum .
2 If one were subsequently to receive a report that when the event occurred , the sun had set , one would be able to infer that it had taken place at exactly 12.00 midnight .
3 While the combined effect of a number of cases had been to limit the audi alteram partem principle , it would be misleading to say that it had been wholly forgotten .
4 It is easy to forget that it had to start somewhere .
5 But I am ready to bet that it had something to do with the trajectory , the pathway through the real-life equivalent of Biomorph Land , that would have to be traversed in order to turn the retina the right way round , starting from whatever ancestral organ preceded the eye .
6 O'Connell says the company was proud to say that it had won Posix-compliance and it now hopes to gain X/Open 's XPG branding .
7 As to the exact locality of the pain , it was difficult to convey that it had grown , and that instead of having a pain he was now contained inside it .
8 So , for instance , a temple with eight columns might be shown on a coin as having eight , six , four or two ; it was sufficient to show that it had a columned portico .
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