Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [prep] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Publishers ' casings are unsuitable for heavy library use , and many public librarians take up various options for strengthened editions offered by the library suppliers .
2 Pamphlets are unsuitable for open shelf stock .
3 The investigation aims to establish what sub-contracting patterns in what circumstances are conducive to good business performance , and draw conclusions about whether they are specific to an industry or a nation , or transferrable across sectoral or national boundaries .
4 The standardizing , regularizing , authoritative properties often assigned to print as a medium ( though many of them are inherent in any writing system ) could have full social effect only if they had this broad coherence with general developments in the social and labour processes , to which , however , print was not a mere ancillary , for it was one of the forms of such development .
5 The ethnic factor was relatively unimportant as until recently immigrants have been under-represented in local authority accommodation .
6 Other norms are specific to that organization while yet others are specific to one work group .
7 Whereas the aim of social advancement is to reduce individual inequalities but the social environment which produced them is left intact ( on the assumption that these inequalities are due to inadequate education effort on the part of individuals , the state or to inequality of ‘ education gifts ’ ) , the aim of the collective advancement is to give individual education and , at the same time , influence the social context in which the individuals live : an effort is made to involve as many persons as possible in the education campaign .
8 In both the caecum and the trachea the chloride secretory responses were inhibited by frusemide , indicating that they are due to electrogenic chloride secretion from the basolateral to the luminal side of the epithelium .
9 At a meeting on the estate Darlington council housing officers explained that 37 houses and flats in Eggleston , Dryburgh and Fountains View are due for large scale revitalisation work costing £350,000 .
10 Even before the foods which are rich in dietary fibre start to pass down your throat , they perform a multiplicity of functions which help to reduce the quantity of food you want to eat and they start to send helpful satiety signals to the brain .
11 Scientific publications , aimed at the scientific community , are prepared to camera-ready copy stage , as are newsletters , leaflets , prospectuses , and official reports .
12 These , too , are dependent on central government funding and have — even more explicitly than GEAR — the role of encouraging investment through the provision of infrastructure which makes property development possible and profitable .
13 Because the Arts Council are working on the parity funding principle , local theatres , who are dependent on local government subsidy , are now losing out doubly because local funding has dropped ; therefore the parity funding drops .
14 These benefits are free of any UK Income or Capital Gains tax .
15 Even so , it provides a model for researchers who are interested in local government reform .
16 This report concludes that people with IBS are prone to chronic illness behaviour and that this is learned .
17 The distinctive features of railway activities affect organization and management-workforce relations independently of the fact that in most countries of the world the major railway networks are owned and run by the state , and everywhere without exception they are subject to close state regulation .
18 In the past only two of the group 's nine divisions had an internal audit function ; now all of the nine divisions are subject to internal audit discipline .
19 In addition , it highlights those assets which are subject to central bank control thus enabling the latter to regulate the money supply in the economy .
20 SSSIs notified by NCC were also the subject of retained prior approval arrangements as for National Parks but , with the advent of the 1981 Wildlife and Countryside Act , all SSSIs notified under its Section 28 are subject to 3 month consultation over any activities specified on a list of Damaging Operations notified with each SSSI .
21 The immediate consequences of the decision are subject to any Revenue statement as to how it will proceed in future .
22 Yet they are distinct from general art history and criticism in their conscious introduction , if in varying ways , of active social concepts as necessary elements of description and analysis .
23 This legislation ensured that the whole of Britain has been subject to compulsory land planning based on the application of two simple practices : the preparation ( including revision and updating ) of plans for the future allocation of land uses , and the control of development to accord with the provisions of those plans .
24 The product has been subject to rigorous quality control . ’
25 In an attempt to find the causes for their disappointment many who would normally have been content with everyday party politics turned to more radical solutions .
26 SACRAC established its seed garden in Costa Rica in 1986 , using 5,000 Malayan Dwarf palms , which are resistant to Lethal Yellowing Disease , and quickly achieving spectacular results .
27 However , it is simplistic to assume all readmissions are indicative of poor patient care as some readmissions are planned .
28 These unusual chemical shifts for imino and amino protons are indicative of novel hydrogen bonding .
29 Matthews and his group have found that X-rays work well on these — they produce reaction products , but like PCBs these are amenable to further X-ray destruction .
30 It lies on an estate run by the Ital-Reding Foundation , and its main building is the Ital-Reding mansion , built in 1609 , which combines features that are typical of local farmhouse architecture with baroque trends befitting the town houses of families of that era which had " done well " in mercenary service abroad .
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