Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] [adv] [v-ing] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I ai n't spoke to John today , he 's been asleep or else ignoring me !
2 The doctor says we 're seeing people initially when they 're quite well and we follow them through , helping them when they 're ill and often helping them with their deaths , that 's quite important .
3 There is also a far greater chance of tackling the issues the schools feels are important and not having them lost in the large number of demands from outside .
4 What 's probably happening is that you are trying to tell them you are annoyed but also saying you still want them to like you at the same time .
5 Being happy and not knowing it yet .
6 When they do , they turn on the person and accuse him or her of being old-fashioned and not accepting them as they are .
7 Often the skirt was frilled as well making it impossible for the audience to see where the skirt ended and the knickers began .
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