Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Onions are the link to take us to the nearby open market where we see these and other vegetables on display .
2 Partly because these changes have been seen as shifts in design philosophy to be applied incrementally to new housing areas or to rehabilitated inner city districts , there has been no attempt to apply them to established residential areas .
3 Since the Newbolt Report is the first , and indeed has remained the single most comprehensive official report on English , there has been a tendency to use it as the key to the most fundamental ideological impulses of the discipline .
4 ‘ It would have been a privilege to have you as a student … ah , but your French is already of so excellent a quality … and you are occupied with your researches .
5 Mm , apparently the guy that was driving it had overalls on , so he may have been a mechanic delivering it to somewhere or test driving it over there
6 It had been a sideline to use her to further his love-life .
7 Theories of normative income redistribution set a desirable standard or target , whereas the more positive theories are an attempt to predict something about the nature of redistribution in the empirical world which may or may not be consistent with one or more or any of the views of desirability .
8 Jim , true to his word , may be the man to fix it after all .
9 But having collected the first item on Alex Ferguson 's spring shopping list they hope it will prove to be the lever to rid themselves of a 25-year burden .
10 ‘ As it is , this new crisis they 're having to face might be the thing to push them towards solving their difficulties .
11 Sometimes there might be the temptation to leave it until the next day if the weather is bad or your car will not start .
12 If you had one of these black holes on the surface of the earth , there would be no way to stop it from falling through the floor to the center of the earth .
13 If it failed , there would be no mercy shown him by the enraged Executioner .
14 You 're going to be working hard , and so am I. There 'll be no time to wear anything like that ; anyway , I do n't like them ! ’
15 There should be no attempt to shorten it to newspaper-headline form .
16 If Duke Egeus did not ask Hermia to choose between Demetrius and life in a nunnery in Act 1 , there would be no point pressing her for an answer four acts later .
17 Even in making oneself more aware in preparation for a choice , it will be enough that one can identify which would be the relatively stronger inclination in the fullest attainable awareness ; there will be no need to experience it in its full intensity or to prolong it after the choice .
18 There 'd be no need to have 'em as casuals or temporary workers .
19 He paused and said , his glasses catching the glint of the moon , ‘ Naturally , if you come to your senses and stop hero-worshipping him , then there will be no need to introduce you to the empty-headed young pup . ’
20 It would be a caricature to portray them as hide-bound Aristotelians .
21 ‘ It would be a pity to turn it into firewood . ’
22 It would be a chance to see her on neutral ground , maybe even a chance to explain that it was n't his bloody fault that Laura had shown up at the door only seconds before she herself had .
23 While Koch 's helmsmanship and the inconsistent selection of his afterguard have made headlines for yachting writers , it would be a mistake to dismiss him as a rich fool .
24 Important though these changes in the nature of the tax resistance movement are , however , perhaps it would be a mistake to view them as an isolated phenomenon , and to try to assess their moral and legal implications without also addressing some even more fundamental contemporary political , economic and social developments with which they are closely associated .
25 There was n't much he could do about Preston except shout abuse across the garden fence at his nan while she was putting the washing out , but he managed to persuade her it would be a mistake sending him to a Catholic school .
26 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
27 Thus the Church offered opportunities to the ambitious as well as to the devout , although it would be a mistake to regard it as an egalitarian institution .
28 He is also a great friend of the Festival , and it will be a delight to have him with us again .
29 ‘ It would simply be a formality to renew it on a long-term basis . ’
30 ‘ Quasi-syntactic ’ ambiguities require careful consideration because there may be a temptation to diagnose them as cases of lexical ambiguity .
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