Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It must have been the noise that woke me up , ’ Jessamy retorted sarcastically .
2 It may have been the horse that roused me from my sleep .
3 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
4 Had it just been a dream or had I really shrunk ?
5 ‘ I would never have been a dancer or believed I could do anything if it had not been for him , ’ said Crawford .
6 She arched and twisted with pleasure before calling , ‘ Peter , be a love and pass me my sponge-bag , would you ? ’
7 ‘ But this is the bit that took me longest to work out .
8 Because I find that er I can talk to people now , we chat away as I would in a pub , or in someone 's house but then this is the bit that worries me .
9 This is the space that fascinated me so much , because that is what early Cubist painting was , a research into space . ’
10 This is the experiment and experience I commend to any business man or industrialist who wants to meet the challenge of the ideological crisis of our times .
11 Aloud , she said : ‘ I have your mother 's book on the Camisards as well , of course — that is the period that interests me particularly — but I want to learn about more recent history as well . ’
12 Weak form : ‘ The price is the thing that annoys me
13 and like the thing is obviously like the first realise there on a and they try to stop it , why are you stopping for , remember you are in the British army , if you disobey orders you 'll get a court marshall really started laying onto them , and like they 've started again and like the first bloke obviously got to the fucking water , cos he 's stopped again , one man one sides shouting out and round the other side shouting out and they have they 've all gone in , they must of thought fuck it and they 've all just fucking marched into the sea , and we marched them in , tent was only about that much above water , and we 've lasted thought , this is the thing that got me , he , he shouted at him , cos we , we , we managed to get them and that , he said right , right , go in , go in and tell them to come out , what , I said what , can you just pop in and tell them to come out , I said over here sarge , he said you disobey an order
14 Well this is the thing that worries me a little bit , but can I say
15 You see this is the thing that worries me because , you know , when I stand up and say I like what John Dreyfus did and I think his looks very good and I maintain the traditions of the Oxford University Press , I can suddenly feel that I 'm being typecast as being in the English tradition of typography as a revered art and the Morrisonian thing and the whole thing separate from , you know , a culture within a culture and a separate thing .
16 ‘ But it 's the publicity that worries me .
17 But erm I I do n't , still do n't see from this how we 're going to look at the underlying systems because it 's the system that concerns me .
18 It 's the stillness that fills me with peace .
19 It 's the arm that worries me .
20 LADY DAVERS : Aye , that 's the thing that kills me , [ calmly to PAMELA , a last , vicious attack ] have no fear , wench , no fear .
21 and that , that , that 's the thing that makes me retch , not the cutting , it 's when they just pull it apart
22 And that , tha , that 's the thing that makes me red , it 's not the cutting it 's when they just pull it apart and it like
23 Be a pet and do me up , sweetie .
24 ‘ It is a question that takes me utterly by surprise as you obviously admire all this .
25 er and to avoid racking up costs which is a thing that worries me
26 It is a process that allows me to locate myself in a space , to understand a space in terms of my physical movement .
27 But it was the vultures that fascinated me .
28 It was the cold that forced me to move .
29 There was a lot of tooth-sucking for a while as he tried to get me to say more and that was almost funny , given that it was the tooth-sucking that made me think of it in the first place , suddenly thinking .
30 It was the gin that surprised me .
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