Example sentences of "[be] [prep] be [vb pp] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It by no means follows , however , that intellectual property rights exercisable only in one country are to be equiparated to immovable property in that country .
2 Continuous running is only of benefit where a large number of modules are to be transferred to offline storage or where much hard copy has already been done , and many module versions can be nominated or deleted .
3 It is essential that the partners establish the basic principles on which payments are to be made to outgoing partners or their estates .
4 The powers of the directors are to be employed to that end .
5 THE residents of an old people 's home in Londonderry , some of whom are in their late 80's , are to be moved to new accommodation and the home closed , the Western Health and Social Services Board has announced .
6 Letters of thanks are to be sent to those residents and organisations who helped with the national Spring Clean day , when areas of the town were cleared of rubbish .
7 Taylor begged leave to deny that analogies drawn from lead mines in stratified rocks are to be applied to deep copper mines and he considered it rather hard to have " crude suggestions of this sort pressed upon us " .
8 ( When writing a parallel construct the programmer must declare which global variables and channels are to be assigned to each component process . )
9 But much more needs to be done to co-ordinate effort if limited resources are to be used to greatest effect .
10 To demonstrate what this means in practice , assume that , on average , four records are to be added to each embedded overflow area , and that these overflow areas can hold a maximum of five records .
11 If priming effects are to be attributed to residual activation of logogens , the absence of cross-modal priming effects means that one must abandon the view that a single logogen system is used for visual and auditory word recognition , picture naming , and responding to definitions .
12 Of their annual working days , five are to be allocated to in-service training ( DES , 1990 ) .
13 first , what services are to be allocated to local government as a whole ; second , how are these services to be distributed among the agencies of local government itself .
14 The announcement that no less than three mission-territories are to be entrusted to native African bishops has rejoiced mission-minded Catholics all over the world .
15 This statement has been echoed through the ages — by Plato : ‘ Love is the desire and pursuit of the whole ’ ; by Coleridge : ‘ Love is a desire of the whole being to be united to some thing , some being , felt necessary for its completeness ’ ; and by the man in the street ; ‘ My other half ’ , or even ‘ My better half ’ ; or in Erickson 's terms : ‘ the ‘ me in you ’ ’ .
16 Under the plan there were to be changes in public finance policy ; budget deficits were to be limited to 10 per cent of total revenue ; government bonds were to be issued on the Muscat securities market to replace dependence on foreign borrowing ; the state general reserve fund was to be strengthened by a transfer of oil revenues ; a contingency fund was to be created to " cope with any international or domestic variables " ; and privatization of selected assets was to go ahead .
17 If speed reducing measures such as humps were to be applied to other residential roads , then all manner of surface treatments for safety and environmental improvement — including shared spaces where appropriate — become feasible .
18 A third objection which could be raised is that it would be undesirable if the suggested approach were to be applied to certain types of jurisdictional error .
19 To this statement Paschal added a series of directions to Anselm showing in detail how the decrees were to be applied to parochial churches and to ecclesiastical land held by lay service .
20 First , responsibilities for care for the chronically handicapped in a community were to be given to those elected by the local population ; thus the electorate would , in theory , have greater control over the way local services are provided .
21 If an atom were to be magnified to 100 metres diameter , the size of a large concert hall , then the nucleus in its centre would be about the size of a grain of salt .
22 From that date , all foreign exchange receipts were to be surrendered to authorized banks at the official rates of exchange .
23 Does he further agree that if that proportion were to be raised to 20 per cent. , overnight every household bill would rise by 50 per cent ?
24 Copies were to be sent to all sheriffs , who were to publish them to the people ; others were to be kept in all cathedral churches and read twice a year .
25 Within the BEA , a Central Authority would be responsible for running the power stations and the Grid transmission system , but the distribution and sales functions to the eleven million consumers were to be decentralised to fourteen Area Electricity Boards , each with their own local board appointed by the Minister .
26 Russia was later to exploit her mineral advantages and other countries were to be linked to this mass of industrial power as was , for example , Sweden as a supplier of iron ore , but heavy industry was in 1880 mainly concentrated in western Europe .
27 The implications of this question , transformed by the reprehensible way in which the administration of life imprisonment had developed over the intervening years , were to be subjected to critical review by a Lords Select Committee in 1988–9 .
28 Consequently , they were to be subjected to forced labour to pay the equivalent .
29 The process of report and interrogation took quite a time , and Rostov began to suspect that if he and the others were to be subjected to some form of tribunal before their fate was decided , then at least it would pass for a fair one .
30 Once again all social workers in the Special Services Team were to be attached to special schools with under fives inevitably drawn into the specialist system again .
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