Example sentences of "[be] [prep] a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A 32 year old manager may be full of vigour , enthusiasm and malleable but a 52 year old manager has been through a couple of recessions , knows the ropes and cap pull a few more rabbits out of the hat .
2 Rather hoary for a start-up , Mentalix has been through a couple of iterations beginning as a consultant and going on to develop scanner interfaces for the old Apollo workstation .
3 Amstral has recently been through a combination of management buyouts and takeovers , including the acquisition of Crab Advanced Technologies ' sales and marketing division , and now goes by the name of ABC Workstation Solutions Ltd .
4 Right now the relationship 's good ; he 's like an old friend , we 've been through a lot of shit together . ’
5 ‘ I 've been through a lot of stuff because of it .
6 " We 've been through a lot of danger , " he said .
7 She would have recovered some of her old high spirits if it had not been for a bout of measles and turning more and more to alcohol .
8 But we had nobody been for a couple of times , now .
9 Last time it had been for a length of dress material .
10 One of the important trends in recent years initiated in this country by John Hodgson ( 1972 , 1973 , 1975 ) has been for a number of drama specialists to undertake an editorial role in an attempt to raise the standard of literature on our subject .
11 No , the fact remains that malaria is on the increase and has been for a number of years now .
12 If two systems have been for a period of time in dynamical isolation from each other , then a measurement on the first system can produce no real change in the second .
13 Mark and I have just been for a walk beyond Dalseattie , which was nice until the mist came down and began to make us rather damp .
14 If it had not been for an alliance of Dr Newman , consultant ecologist Doug Cross and Walter Roberts — three local residents who formed the Camelford Scientific Advisory Panel and conducted their own investigations — and for John Lewis , who lost his job , it is doubtful whether very much would ever have come out about the incident .
15 I 've been for an interview with Mencap .
16 These deposits are for a range of maturities from overnight to one year .
17 The Government suggestions , in principle , are for a system of Children 's Certificates to be granted by Licensing Justices but the Government invites comment as to whether food should merely be available or if children should only be admitted to certificated bars in order to eat a meal .
18 Present EC proposals are for a tax of $3 per barrel of oil equivalent , rising to $10 per barrel by 2000. * EC Environment Commissioner Ioannis Paleokrassas said that under present national programmes for carbon reduction , emissions would still be 3 per cent above 1990 levels at the end of the decade .
19 Although it is still not clear how much we actually raised , initial indications are for a figure in excess of £3,000 , which is superb .
20 The figures quoted are for a mix of wastes requiring incineration .
21 This chapter addresses two questions : first , how important temporary jobs are as a step into employment for unemployed people ; second , to what extent the ending of temporary jobs is an important reason for becoming unemployed ?
22 When they go to a match they are as a matter of course spat upon and jostled , threatened and assaulted ’ — The Times .
23 There 's no doubt if you analyze a lot of dreams , that an awful lot of them are as a matter of fact .
24 Most of the calls made to houses are as a result of information given out by LASSY — the largest computer database in Europe .
25 About getting things to move along , but when you start breaking down what the other aspects are about a lot of things , erm it was good influencing , recognise this and somebody will just suddenly say oh , no nothing nothing to do with influencing ,
26 ‘ The wood going into a 40 gallon barrel , it 's been about a hundredweight of wood .
27 I have argued that in spite of the formalism of diagrams , binary opposites , levels and meta-levels , structuralism has really been about a mode of interpretation of aspects of culture .
28 Part of today 's debate has been about an increase in unemployment which has hit this country like so many others .
29 This increase has been as a result of consultation with clinicians , he said .
30 What happens , what other effects have there been as a result of protectionism in agricultural trade ?
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