Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 Erm but again you have got to decide what it is you want out of your retirement because you 're the boss and it 's no good moaning when you 're into your retirement that it does n't suit you because you 've planned it , you 've made the decisions and therefore it 's up to you to alter whatever you do n't like .
2 It is reasonable to assume that , in view of the doubt about the ambit of the section , a party wishing to escape from a contract will challenge the effectiveness of any clause which appears to be within its ambit unless it looks likely to pass the reasonableness test .
3 We 're human and you , you 're influenced by presentation , so if you can type it it 's not compulsory , but it is , would be in your interest that it 's typed , if you can .
4 Oh come on you can be on my side cos it was obvious , like , he was just sort of sat there .
5 In the law of property , a child conceived , but not yet born , will be treated as born , at any rate where it is for its advantage that it should be so treated .
6 I would say with you to the good Lord ‘ spare me from Mr Kinnock 's gaze , hold on tight to the tablets of stone lest they should fall on this hapless servant 's head , may there be no rock so small that I can not shelter behind it out of Mr Kinnock 's sight , keep the rod and staff of Socialism firmly in your hands lest it be upon my back that it should be broken .
7 It 's in your name but it 's on behalf of the club .
8 They try to empty what it is in their stomach and it
9 So if he phones up I can say , you know it 's on its way as it were .
10 Er there 's a book , which I do n't think is on your list but it might be called By Thorn and Henley er which might be worth looking at .
11 There 's a forest fifty miles off , it 's outside our window because it 's not in this room and to come a little nearer home ther there 's a campus outside our window but we ca n't exactly see very much of it but we know it 's there and it 's got some birds in it , it 's probably got some little insects in it and there 's a woodpecker
12 She was in her bed and it felt about two o'clock in the morning .
13 Mr Peter Markie , of Rudby parish council , said research into the health effects of EMF was in its infancy and it was too early to discount links .
14 Oh that was really so I 'll swear , I do n't know what that was that , that clump that was in your hair but it was , oh god !
15 My diary was in my barrel-bag and it had my cash card number in it , hidden amongst the telephone numbers under RM Essential .
16 This element of the second stanza creates a sensation that Tithonus now refers to himself as a completely different man to what he was in his youth as it was such a long time ago .
17 ‘ Colonel , ’ I said , ‘ I know that if it was within your power and it was up to you , that you would free me . ’
18 I can work out by the height of where the hand was on my back that it was Lorna !
19 The silk shawl she draped over her shoulders winter and summer was in place ; her mother of pearl brooch was at her neck as it should be and her shoes were shining as immaculately as ever .
20 Where Richard was during these years of military and diplomatic manoeuvring we do not know , but it is a reasonable guess that he was with his mother , since Aquitaine was her duchy and it was by her wish that it was to be made over to him .
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