Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [be] [adv] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 To date the government , and the industry , has refused to be drawn on the isotopic concentration of the plutonium exported to America — critical information if objectors are to be wholly satisfied that no weapons-grade material got across to the other side of the Atlantic .
2 This question needs to be tackled if we are to be reasonably certain that observed variation reflects a speaker 's norm rather than random fluctuation in the data .
3 Facilities are to be environmentally efficient and visually attractive .
4 Indeed , if performance criteria are to be national , if they are to have currency throughout the system , and if they are to be as detailed and specific as the proponents of criterion-referenced testing insist , then this reform presages central intervention in the school curriculum of a most emphatic kind .
5 There are already signs that the rights are to be so qualified as to become ineffective .
6 If there are major disagreements as to concepts ( eg as to whether the warranties are to be very detailed or are merely trying to catch material items ) it may be necessary to have a meeting of the principals to resolve the concepts against which the agreement is to be negotiated .
7 From that time the influences were to be more European than English or colonial .
8 However , if that racing game were to be as poor as the film ( it is ) with graphics that look positively antiquated ( they do ) , you 'd expect the rating to be about 34% , would n't you ?
9 Part of the difficulty with the image came from the noisy fears of the critics , especially those who insisted that comprehensive schools would , if they were to be as good as grammar schools , have to be huge .
10 But obviously it must be necessary to waive the statutory sectors , versus the non statutory , so it is n't er possible this year , perhaps to put in as we might do if were to be as imprudent as the opposition parties .
11 He said it 's to be as realistic as we dare to make it .
12 Sociological research , like all scientific enquiry is fundamentally prompted by simple human curiosity , an indispensable quality if research is to be both successful and enjoyable .
13 If he is to be totally unbiased when making his observations , then he will be obliged to record not only the readings on various meters , the presence or absence of sparks at various critical locations in the electrical circuits , the dimensions of the circuit etc. but also the colour of the meters , the dimensions of the laboratory , the state of the weather , the size of his shoes and a whole host of ‘ clearly irrelevant ’ details , irrelevant , that is , to the kind of theory in which Hertz was interested and which he was testing .
14 It is to be as visible as a city built upon a hill .
15 I think I am the last British poop artist because the total effort of all groups now in 1990 is to be as international as possible … but I 'm not a part of it .
16 A new identity is to be as important as new social relations , part of the forging of cultural capital through which the city is to be sold .
17 If consumerism is to be as important as this suggests , then the definition of consumer needs to be wide : it must include the ‘ hidden consumers ’ who do not have much contact with social services departments , and it needs to include both clients and their carers .
18 The other is to be as organised as possible .
19 The secret is to be as quick as possible and to keep the animal warm afterwards .
20 The American approach is to be as formal and rigorous as possible with insistence on systematic sampling , correlating and so on .
21 reduction if the tax is to be as fair as it needs to be .
22 It is to be fully human and yet to know that the Garden of Eden man is the creature of clay feet .
23 But the infancy of these chicks is to be more complicated than most .
24 This all-enfolding system was to be thoroughly metaphysical and consistently rational .
25 For socialists to champion the aspiration when there was no objective possibility of its being realized was to be both reactionary and utopian .
26 But , in fact , the delegation was to be more successful than Manners ' remarks revealed at the time .
27 The new establishment was to be more durable than the experiment envisaged by Athaulf and attempted by Constantius and Aëtius , where a traditional Roman government was supported by barbarian arms .
28 She lived to regret what she regarded as her weakness , for the child 's fate was to be so terrible that his existence had to be denied in her own mind .
29 The aim of this structural grammar approach was to be as concrete and as objective as possible .
30 What he wanted was to be as dirty as the miners , covered in coal-dust like them .
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