Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Or , perhaps , it may have been that she had married him .
2 Think where you 'd be if you 'd chosen him . ’
3 Although she was not at ease herself and did not expect to be until she had told him all the painful things he would surely wish to know .
4 Now she began to wonder about that ; it could n't simply be because she 'd disliked him , since she 'd disliked clients before , but that had n't prevented her from giving them the same professional treatment she gave to everyone .
5 I wondered how long it would be before I stopped loving him .
6 He had been there since lunchtime , and it had been while she 'd watched him that she had come to the decision that she must go .
7 He was far more suspicious of her now than he had been before she 'd told him about Dana , and he still thought she was Garry 's lover .
8 . I think it 's cos they kept pestering him and all that .
9 I suppose that 's because they had to kill him first .
10 He was as perfect to her now as he had been when she had seen him as a child .
11 The man 's story was that she had told him she did not feel at all well , and he had told her to lie down on the sofa in the living room .
12 Of course , my real reason was that I hoped to get him back , but it has n't worked . ’
13 Paddick told him it was because he had watched him at work for so long .
14 Of course , that was before she had killed him .
15 He was as she had left him .
16 Hotspur was as he had painted him .
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