Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] will [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we have not realized that the source of personhood and community lies in the being of God as Father , Son and Holy Spirit , then the odds are that we will have a low view of human life and of relationships .
2 That 's how serious we are and although Mr er has to give his little laugh but I hope that he is just as much serious er particularly now that the political realities are that we will have a way forward , of not only supporting the delivery and management of community education services in that particular area but a clear focus has now been given , hopefully after this amendment er has been carried to the education authority .
3 Last year , Bolger lost his record of races won in a calendar year to his perennial rival Dermot Weld , but the signs are that he will regain the record this season .
4 You will have to be very rough to make any impression on the brown paper tape , and even then the chances are that you will rip the cartridge paper before you break the bond between the two papers .
5 If you look through a family history and hit upon an advantageous marriage , the chances are that you will find a new house or a completely restored one at around the same date .
6 The reasons for introducing terminology are that it will provide the reader a ) with confidence in using the microcomputer ; b ) with the knowledge to discuss the various uses of the microcomputer with colleagues ; c ) a basic knowledge of the microcomputer from which the reader can go on to discover other , more intricate aspects of the microcomputer .
7 When the wardrobes are moved it could be that they will hide the wall light switch and he 's not bothered about that one little bit !
8 It may be that they will enjoy an opportunity to talk about their models afterwards , perhaps how they were made , or comparisons of materials used , but this will obviously depend upon the child .
9 ‘ The difference , if any , will be that she will tell a story which has been revised and edited by Tate . ’
10 Some of the larger training establishments now run consortia , and it may be that you will have the opportunity to join a consortium and have some say in the training which is undertaken in your area .
11 " I do n't know what the next step will be but someone will make the breakthrough " said Cadogan .
12 Let's call that equation one seven er in actual fact what we 'll do is that we 'll put a random random error term on the end as well just to say that this is , rule is not perfect and there will be some fluctuations around it .
13 It seems to me from looking at the figures within the projections that what North Yorkshire are are planning is that we 'll have a return to that widening black area that 's part of that particular diagram .
14 What the right-wingers are saying is that we will have the trade unions ' money but we will not give 'em the right to vote .
15 Happily , the faux-pas has n't stopped Dino continuing to make inroads into the Irish record market ; latest news from the camp is that they 'll have an album from Latoya Jackson in the shops for Christmas …
16 A great inducement of ‘ start-ups ’ or ‘ green-field projects ’ , where the original investors are in on the ground floor , is that they will make a killing if the company one day goes on to the Stock Exchange , or is gobbled up by a predator in a takeover bid .
17 One of the main arguments for giving GPs and hospitals freer rein is that they will pioneer the innovations that lead to swifter change .
18 In this instance , that is in the interests of taxpayers and also of managers and employees because it is only through learning what the values are and what the method of bidding is that they will achieve a learning curve .
19 A further disadvantage is that they will strip the aquarium of all plant growth , for this forms the staple part of their diet .
20 As the Minister and I agree that the fatal weakness of the MacSharry proposals is that they will increase the cost of the common agricultural policy , thus breaching the budgetary limit , will the Minister give the House a guarantee today that the Government will use their right of veto on any proposals to breach the budgetary limit ?
21 Well one of the obvious pluses is that I 'll have a chance to do what I want to do when I want to do it .
22 What I would say Chairman is that I will defend the right of the tenant farmers to make their own minds up , just as much as I will defend the rights of council house tenants to say what goes on in their houses .
23 What will happen in fact is that you 'll have a start date for your system , which was basically when N1 was , and what they will be looking for is that everything from that date forward is complying right so that a job that started before then , they wo n't look for the initial part of that job to comply right as of that date onwards they will look for it to comply .
24 The more features that 're fired , the more likely it is that you 'll get an out or the higher the activity level of the cognitive demon and then the more likely that the decision demon will decide that that 's the appropriate character .
25 My hope is that you will become a supporter of UNICEF and that , together , we can give them what they so desperately need : a passport to health for their children .
26 The idea is that it will block the action of an enzyme which the toxins force the body to produce , an enzyme responsible for much of the damage .
27 The answer is that it will make no difference at all .
28 Wieman told EW + WW that the great benefit if this simplification is that it will enable a greater number of laboratories to participate in low temperature research and discover more and more bizarre properties of matter .
29 He says the whole problem of the Oxford to Harwich route is that it will create an urban sprawl , another outer London which we ca n't afford .
30 Intel Corp says it expects to spend about $2,500m on capital expenditures and research and development in 1993 , an increase of 25% on estimated 1992 spending of about $2m , saying that the expenditures , unusually high as a percentage of sales even for a high technology company , are needed to address the increasing complexity of microprocessors and the high cost of chip plants ; the company has started paying a dividend , making its shares attractive to a wider range of institutions , and the expectation is that it will tap the market for new funds .
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