Example sentences of "[be] [conj] [pron] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A managerial action could be that he transfers with the outside party services .
2 Well , you do n't tell two old people that a year and a bit too late you 're out to find what the sticking power of their son will be when it comes to the choicer interrogation techniques of KGB .
3 The one thing that even the anti-Maastricht rebels must realise is that whatever happens to the other countries of the Community affects Britain profoundly .
4 But where she differs from Miss Finlay Johnson is that she looks beyond the facts to more universal implications of any particular topic .
5 The truth of the matter is that it depends on the person and not the music we listen to .
6 The second , and more important , is that it depends on the test conditions .
7 The sadness of what is in effect the breakup of the comprehensive system is that it occurs at the point when the system was reaching a confidence and maturity which demonstrated that it could meet the demands of the late twentieth century .
8 If the encyclopaedia has a weakness it is that it sits on the fence on controversial issues .
9 The central charges as items is that it refers to the charges from my own department , legal department , all the other central departments and an input to er the Strategic Planning Committee operating , but it 's not items that the Strategic Planning Committee has a control over , so there 's a change , an estimated change of cost and sometimes that reflects the changes in methodology of agricultural cost and that seems to be happening at the moment .
10 What is truly radical about this innovation is that it intervenes in the quality of life at work , the culture shared between men and women workers , on the side of women .
11 Although he suggests he is not wholly against the permissive society , all that he can find to say in its favour is that it points to the continual necessity to make traditional values relevant to contemporary society , to the fact that the importance of the family , ‘ the very principles of order itself … are not … accepted by all ’ .
12 The most likely understanding of this letter is that it relates to the subscription proposals .
13 But the problem with taking such an a priori stance is that it clashes with the nature of Christianity .
14 The overall direction of small talk is that it starts in the general and becomes more specific .
15 But worse is that it comes at the very moment Davies and Jeff Young , the WRU technical director , and forward-looking others have put into place a representative structure designed to facilitate the flow of full international candidates .
16 Apart from the obvious point that it fails to produce uniformity its principal defect is that it leads to the application of a particular national law which is likely to have been devised for domestic transactions and may well be ill-suited to those which are international in character .
17 Although the machine is available and was shipping in the US at the end of 1992 , the latest information available at the time of writing is that it ships in the UK on 1st February 1993 , and the list price is £449 .
18 The essence of the Queen 's Speech is that it deals with the problems that affect every family in our land , such as those that they encounter with the public services and those relating to education , health and the inner cities .
19 But then the problem with a television tour of Europe is that it begins with the familiar .
20 A feature of project management is that it interacts with the company functions managed on the minimum variety basis referred to under ‘ functional management ’ .
21 So can you give me a use of cast iron which ha one of the effects of it is that it relies on the occasional lubricating properties of the graphite in the iron ?
22 Erm the fourth advantage I would say is that it focuses on the balance between the need to promote rural enterprise and the need to protect the countryside .
23 Another point that might be made about the relationship between the ‘ form-words ’ of grammar and the ‘ full words ’ of lexis is that it follows from the kind of auxiliary , context-complementary function of grammar being proposed here that the proportional occurrence of these words will vary in different kinds of discourse .
24 A second objection to the strong anthropic principle is that it runs against the tide of the whole history of science .
25 The drawback to this sort of analysis is that it distinguishes between the superficial norms of society , and the deeper , perhaps partially hidden , forces of the psyche .
26 Most would agree that the professed raison d'être of the CpSU is the creation of a society ‘ of a new type ’ ; the basis of its claim to infallibility is that it stands in the vanguard of this process .
27 ‘ The trouble with Joe , ’ one of his more affluent colleagues in the pop business told me , ‘ is that he suffers from the fatal curse of taste . ’
28 The inference in his letter is that he speaks for the Council of the National Union of which he is chairman .
29 But all that happens to him is that he topples into the mud with his arm broken and his face bruised from where the broken arm was smashed against it .
30 ‘ Maybe we 'll find out what it is if he goes to the hospital with us , ’ said David thoughtfully .
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