Example sentences of "[be] [adv] that [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the present time , as we have described , the problem with daytime sleep is believed to be only that it is too short .
2 It relatively seldom results in marital breakdown nowadays , even when it is discovered by the partner ; and even the temporary trauma induced by the discovery seems to be less that it was once ( there is no real proof of this , nor in the other direction — I base the comment mainly on people 's expressed attitudes ) .
3 ‘ It 's been said that I am a much improved player this season ’ , Hamilton says , ‘ but I believe that the difference is merely that I am that much more confident .
4 One of the reasons for following a routine like this is so that you are less likely to make a mistake .
5 It is not that they are too slow to avoid being hit , but that they simply do not hear the cars speeding towards them .
6 It is not that they are less likely to be murdered , raped , robbed , or assaulted — although the best scientific evidence based on victimization surveys shows this to be true ( Hindelang , Gottfredson , and Garofalo 1978 ) — but that in the criminal law , definitions of murder , rape , robbery , assault , theft , and other serious crimes are so constructed as to exclude many similar , and in important respects , identical acts , and these are just the acts likely to be committed more frequently by powerful individuals .
7 Thirdly there 's the old objection of participatory democracy that it simply takes up too much time and this is not a trivial objection , because the thought is not that it 's simply time-consuming , but because it 's so
8 The problem for many people today is not that it is too difficult to believe but that it is too easy .
9 I had a friend — well , I still do , it 's just that we 're temporarily out of touch — called Alison .
10 It 's not like she 's really kind of dominated your life it 's just that she 's so not stupid , it just , you know , it 's incredible .
11 It 's just that it 's so dark .
12 It 's just that I am so evil and perverted and encrusted with slime that it 's rather difficult for me to remember the fact . ’
13 It 's just that I 'm all he has .
14 It 's just that I 'm too involved in what 's happening to play games — at least , to play games with you .
15 it 's just that I 'm never gon na get to up to .
16 Yeah , I 've got nice T-shirts , it 's just that I 'm really cold .
17 It — it 's just that I 'm so nervous . ’
18 ‘ It 's just that I 'm so lonely , sir ! ’ said the child .
19 Erm no not really I , I feel alright , it 's just that I 'm so nasty all the while and
20 You must think me very silly but it 's just that I 'm so excited !
21 ‘ It 's just that you 're so young , ’ Aunt Lilian said gently , over the immeasurable gulf that stretched between her sixty years and mine .
22 I mean , if it 's just that you 're too close to it and you do n't want me to look at it , there are people I know who 're good at that sort of thing ; they can see the wood from the trees ; they could — ’
23 It 's just that you were so keen .
24 Not as clear as that , it 's not a ris , it 's not that they 're either going to lose the six double O one and half a million , it 's the thing that 's , admit that they might , and it weakens our position .
25 ‘ It 's not that we 're always this awkward , ’ the lady deputy editor told the waitress amidst the musical chairs , ‘ just that we usually are . ’
26 It 's not that you 're deliberately staying away from London by any chance is it ? ’
27 No it 's not that I was just getting together to play a bit of recording stuff .
28 It 's not that I 'm particularly unhappy with the shape of my body or with my image , it 's just that I worry all the time about what people think about me , what impression they are getting .
29 It 's not that I 'm totally assured that this time round I wo n't be quite so foolish , it 's simply that I know it 's possible to progress to that stage beyond ‘ falling in love ’ — if I do n't opt out as soon as he starts to look less like Prince Charming and more like Mr Very Ordinary and Boring .
30 I mean , it 's not that she 's probably gon na go after it but I , you know , who knows !
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