Example sentences of "[be] [adv] that he [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I did , you 'll have to forgive me , I mean I think for the sake of those who were not at the meeting erm what we should really say is that actually said that he wanted to hear what kind of a parish we are so that he could attempt to match the , the incoming priest with you know the need of the parish .
2 In fact , he was so eager to be off that he would have left it in the street if I had not insisted that he should take the coals to his mother . ’
3 Does my right hon. Friend accept that it is right that he should restate the Government 's commitment to their policy in Northern Ireland , based on the rule of law ?
4 However , if someone wilfully refuses to pay the charge , it is right that he should have to pay the price for his illegal action .
5 And we must remember our interest in Livesey is only that he might give us a lead to the young girl 's killer . ’
6 Coleridge rationalized the departure in his poem ‘ Reflections on having left a Place of Retirement ’ , asking whether it was right that he should live in beauty and solitude while his ‘ unnumber 'd brethren toil 'd and bled ’ in the greater world .
7 It was enough that he should have taken the trouble to visit her and offer his apologies .
8 It was enough that he should receive food and shelter most nights ; many of his family had not been so lucky .
9 Explain at once to the speechreader what the mistake was so that he can share the joke , otherwise he may feel uncomfortable and puzzled by the reactions to his remark .
10 he said at the time that as soon as his international career was over that he could go back to Blackheath and see them right .
11 What shook Burton was not that he would appear to ‘ the World ’ , i.e. the metropolitan thespians , as someone who had failed in a straight contest with another rising young actor , Scofield — although that made him angry and inflamed his competitive instincts — what shook him was that he had no real idea why it had happened .
12 It was simply that he could think of no other way of prolonging her absence from him indefinitely .
13 It was simply that he could judge such things after living so closely with her for however many years .
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