Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [Wh adv] [pers pn] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And he , so apparently casual — punitively casual — often irritated by her anxiety , could also rely on her being there for him , but without having to know about his own need for her to be safely where he had left her .
2 They were not where she had expected to find them , in the big tallboy in the sitting room , in which lurked an unvisited confusion of old magazines , moth-eaten balls of knitting-wool , paper patterns , Edward 's school reports , Louise 's sketch pads , buttons , string .
3 He knew because his pyjamas were exactly where he 'd left them , dropped on the end of the coverlet .
4 Doreen and Silas were still where she had left them , making two shadowy figures in the moonlight , and , even as she watched , they moved in the direction of the road that led towards the highway .
5 It 's only when I 've lost the track
6 It 's only when you 've heard his extraordinary story that you realise this is no ordinary man .
7 It 's only when you 've put yourself second and the message first that you can get on with the business of communication .
8 We are told that it is the most flexible and fast-reacting source of aid , and that is exactly why we have pursued that route .
9 This is not how I 'd imagined it , I thought ruefully .
10 ‘ No , that 's not why I 've come here .
11 It would be hard to find three individuals more unalike than we are , which is probably why we 've stuck together all these years !
12 The stories , to my mind were always better in Bunty than in other comics , and this is probably why it has continued without merger , where others have failed .
13 It 's probably where they 've got the dartboard and that in there .
14 It 's probably where I 've picked most of it up .
15 Well that 's probably why they 've decided against it .
16 That 's probably why I 've wanted you so much these last few months .
17 It 's probably why it 's left .
18 Maybe that 's partly why I 've reacted like this .
19 That is both why he has survived and why he has led his country to disaster .
20 Sara curtsied , and backed to the door ; and it was only when it had closed behind her and she was standing on the long , tiled landing that she realized that her future mother-in-law had not once asked about her family in Ireland .
21 It was only when she had closed the door behind her and was hurrying along the corridor that led back into the hall that she noticed the painting .
22 This his initial astonishment , lines lacking the and receptor all appeared quite normal , and it was only when he had made lines lacking two isoforms at once that clear effects were seen ( thank God , he added ) .
23 It was only when he had followed Cornelius most of the way across the room that the significance of what had just happened dawned on him .
24 Worried by their absence , it was only when he had contacted the superintendent of the building — who seemed to know everything that happened in the neighbourhood — that he 'd learned exactly what had happened to Laura and the twins .
25 The room was not where she had lived but where she no longer lived .
26 Marian was not where he had left her .
27 This was not how I had imagined the conquering of my childhood dream peak , and I was muttering and tutting under my breath as I clambered up towards them .
28 It had n't rained , and her bicycle was still where she 'd left it — again — by the fence .
29 It was also how he 'd overheard me and Kenny the barman talking and drawn his own paranoid conclusions which had led to both me and Kenny wishing we 'd taken out medical insurance .
30 This was n't how she had planned it — not that she had really planned anything , but she had pictured herself , cold and ferocious , confronting him , shocking him with the knowledge that he had virtually killed her brother .
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