Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are one or two passably funny lines which fail to make up a coherent , witty whole but are suddenly shot out from an invisible pea-shooter as if whipped from Ms Rudner 's stand-up routine .
2 For no other subject of public concern — not for economic policy , disarmament , welfare reform , nuclear power plants — has the professional outlook on a controversy been so shut off from a voice in the national press .
3 To Sulentic 's surprise , he has also found that the connection can be traced right into the central nucleus of NGC 43 19 — very much as we might expect if , as Arp has often suggested , high redshift objects are somehow shot out from the centres of otherwise normal galaxies .
4 Expatriates ' salaries are generally built up from a number of separate elements starting with basic salary .
5 It has also helped write rules for community cable access and worked to ensure that the poor are not cut off from the benefits of new telephone technologies .
6 Scottish Natural Heritage ( SNH ) has been formally set up from the merger of the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland and the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
7 Some fruit trees are still dug up from the nursery in autumn and sold with their roots bare .
8 Frequently ethnicity is maintained or even heightened by physical or political conditions ; for example , ethnic minorities of Commonwealth origin in Britain are clearly marked out from the indigenous population by skin colour .
9 Another frequent problem is that brood mares are often brought in from the paddock about a month before the horse is due to foal , and are put in a little paddock next to the owner 's house so that ‘ an eye can be kept on her . ’
10 The plant will be effectively sealed off from the world apart from periodic inspection and monitoring visits by skilled staff .
11 The charge is let in or out of each capacitor by its own switch but the charge continually drains away so it needs to be constantly topped up from the mains or battery .
12 Intel is therefore reportedly telling its OEMs that the P6 will be purposely held back from the market , despite its state of readiness , to allow them to recoup their investment in Pentium .
13 Radio waves are used rather than em waves of other wavelengths because over suitable wavelength ranges they readily penetrate planetary atmospheres and because natural emissions at such wavelengths tend to be weak thus enabling the echoes to be readily picked out from the natural background .
14 The effect on our own accounts is that we now show all the mainstream activities of the Council together , and they are then separated out from the entries for all the other funds , appeals , and trust funds and so on .
15 There were sometimes they , they came , if they 'd been in action and er , the people had actually found blood and parts of the uniforms in the air gunner 's compartment at the back , and the , the fella , the navigator u and bomb aimer used to be in the nose , they had n't got much of a chance if they came down in there because they were right cut off from the rest of the aircraft so , but it was virtually a suicide position in the nose of the Bostons .
16 What is clear is that such private desires were not sealed off from the world of public representations .
17 So it thus came about that the fields , meadows , pastures and arable acres of Combsburgh were finally taken in from the waste which had existed for millenia .
18 Our hotel which dates to Queen Victoria 's reign is ideally situated , being slightly set back from the busy and noisy seafront road ( A259 ) , but still able to offer a view over Hove Lawns and onto the sea .
19 Its attraction for visitors is enhanced by being temporarily cut off from the mainland by the tides .
20 The two most populous countries in the world , China and India , in the low-income economies group , were also separated out from the rest of this group for averaging purposes ; as were oil exporters and oil importers in the middle-income economies group .
21 Paupers were often taken back from the workhouse to their own parishes for burial .
22 By the nineteenth century , middle- and upper-class women were increasingly cut off from the world of production , while some working-class women regained a limited role in production outside the home .
23 They 're obviously being continually carried in from the river water but are being taken out of the system somewhere in the marine environment .
24 He 's badly cut up from the broken glass but he 's more or less in one piece . ’
25 The longer stretch which contains the Creole part of the turn , beginning with " I did n't mind " and ending " but to dance " — disrupts this pattern and is thus set off from the rest of the turn .
26 In newborn babies , the infection is usually picked up from the mother 's vagina during birth .
27 This theatre , which is in good condition , is partly hollowed out from the hillside and partly constructed .
28 A hole is made in the shell and a small cube of cells is carefully cut out from the posterior margin containing the polarizing region and grafted into the anterior margin of the limb bud of another embryo .
29 The London English sequence here is clearly set off from the rest of Brenda 's turn by its function , which is to elicit a " lost " piece of information .
30 The bones are first modified and altered to conform to the skeletal dimensions of the body , which is then built up from the inside outwards using organic substitute flesh .
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