Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [conj] i had [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And that 's only because I had good teachers — I do n't think that I have any special superhuman gift for it . ’
2 It 's not because I had Christian parents , it 's not because I 'd some advantage over you , or you had some advantage over me , it is all of God 's graciousness , it is all of God 's giving !
3 Well I was out there watering at time scares was on and I had this letter and planes did come over and I laid me ho hosepipe down , I mean you know so he would n't be able
4 As this was long before I had any real experience of life myself it was hardly surprising that Shakespeare 's comments should not have meant much to me then .
5 ‘ It was just that I had other things on my mind .
6 The last time I won was here and I had that on my mind most of the week .
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