Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] so " in BNC.

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1 Well i it 's been down since it opened so that 's
2 The voices are totally di , in fact the Clive James showed a few clips of dubbed films I mean er John Wayne , I mean he 's supposed to be so and he sounded so funny in Japanese !
3 It 's only while they stay so in-house as a D S O , that we have to be so careful about what we do and what we do n't .
4 At each stage the vested interests — of protected tenants , of council tenants , and of local and national politicians — in the system , grew stronger and more complex , so that the wonder is not that it lived so long but that two men were found at last , in Duncan Sandys and Henry Brooke , of sufficient courage and determination to lay the axe to the roots and start hewing a way back to sanity .
5 I did n't want to quarrel in front of Flora — it seemed humiliating over something so small — so I said , ‘ Well , it 's just that they seemed so happy and fond of each other .
6 It 's just that he seems so caring … in the work he does with the handicapped … ’
7 It 's just that I get so lonely sometimes .
8 It 's just that I got so involved with what was going on that I completely forgot !
9 It 's just that I feel so cheap .
10 ‘ It 's just that you look so awkward standing there . ’
11 It 's just that you see so much of it , not just like staff like training managers and everything , they 're told to stick up and stick up for their training and at the end of the day it 's oh well , it 's the needs of the business and all that but aga the company this this
12 I suppose it 's just because I feel so comfortable with you . ’
13 For what guarantee is there that it does so objectively ?
14 And it and this , the one , the last one was just after I left so I did n't know her , I knew her to look at but I did n't know her personally .
15 It was just that we had so little in common .
16 ‘ It was just that you seemed so interested in my being one of the survivors that I got quite the wrong initial impression . ’
17 If then his actions simply accorded with what was the convention of his society , this was not because he had so to act , or failed to see that a certain convention was socially limited .
18 Ruth stared down at it and wondered why she had bought it and thought it was probably because it contrasted so sharply with what she had been through on this trip .
19 This was partly because it proved so difficult to crush or even to assess the strength of the ‘ People 's Will ’ .
20 my daddy goes erm where will you be so I can in touch with you by phone laughing cos they were shouting at me and then he said to me and then I told him it was n't and he goes so why do you go
21 Abrams knew much of the plot , however ; it was precisely because he knew so much that he recognized when to hold back .
22 Lo and behold , when I got to court , this old lady was there and I felt so ashamed and so sorry for her .
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