Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] i " in BNC.

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1 In the Unification Church and they 're stealing a march on us right enough and that 's what they 're doing — stealing that march — and they 're up to no good in their unification and I know they 're not and they know I know they 're not and that 's why it all happened .
2 I have been ever since I knew I had this trouble . ’
3 Anyway you its funny he wanted to insist that my husband should be there and I said I can decide do n't worry .
4 ‘ Oh , it 's only that I feel I 've been wasting my life !
5 ‘ That 's only because you know I 'll be more efficient at the job .
6 It is only that I feel I may make a new friend and be rewarded with company .
7 Mean I 'm putting I 'm er if I was in their shoes that 's exactly and I think I 'm not far from wrong .
8 It 's just that I wish I 'd got my wretched memory back some other way . ’
9 It 's just that I 've I mean I want a curtain there as well because otherwise it all looks a bit heavy but I do n't think I could put a blind down there because of the way
10 ‘ It 's just that you said I should speak to you — give you warning — if ever I was thinking of leaving .
11 so I er he said er no he said , it 's not that he said I do n't like people to tell me you 've got to do overtime today , he said , I like to be asked !
12 Well it 's , it 's not that I mean I 'm just trying to see
13 ‘ If the chairman keeps me , it 's not because he thinks I 'm a good chap or the world 's a nicer place when I 'm here .
14 So I 've been onto the bastards today and I said like twenty one days is up and I 've I 've got like twelve hundred pound you know .
15 That is why when I die I am going to have all my 13 teddy bears burnt with me .
16 And then it was only because I knew I was going to have to leave at the crack of dawn on Friday , and I would n't have time to fix anything up . ’
17 It was just after I found I was pregnant , but I was so pleased for him , and for myself , I did not fret .
18 ‘ I 'm not sure what you mean , ’ she stated then , ‘ but you were most definitely hostile to me when you saw me the next day , and that was still before you knew I was a journalist . ’
19 Youthful confidence , I suppose , or perhaps it was simply that I felt I had no alternative , there was nothing else I could do . ’
20 Cos to me I was n't but they said I was talking posh on the tape .
21 But as I left my car and started to go into the house it was then that I realised I was falling under the spell of this Englishwoman who had been such a delightful and charming companion that day . ’
22 It was then that I realised I needed some first aid training . ’
23 It was then that I knew I could have a fight on my hands : If the manager sided with him and asked me to move a few feet away then I 'd have no choice but to join in the squabble .
24 See I know why cos you see her husband he do n't and cos when her husband come for the kids Bob was there and he said I ai n't bloody well going out to them .
25 Well it was there when I came I do n't know where it Yes .
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